1 number
number ['nʌmbə(r)]nombre ⇒ 1 (a), 1 (c) chiffre ⇒ 1 (a) numéro ⇒ 1 (b), 1 (e), 1 (g) numéroter ⇒ 2 (a) compter ⇒ 2 (b)-(d)1 noun∎ a six-figure number un nombre de six chiffres;∎ the numbers on the keyboard les chiffres sur le clavier;∎ in round numbers en chiffres ronds;∎ to do sth by numbers faire qch en suivant des instructions précises;∎ she taught him his numbers elle lui a appris à compter;∎ even/odd/rational/whole number nombre m pair/impair/rationnel/entier(b) (as identifier) numéro m;∎ have you got my work number? avez-vous mon numéro (de téléphone) au travail?;∎ you're number six vous êtes (le) numéro six;∎ the winning number le numéro gagnant;∎ we live at number 80 nous habitons au (numéro) 80;∎ he's the President's number two il est le bras droit du président;∎ Military name, rank and number! nom, grade et matricule!;∎ did you get the car's (registration) number? tu as relevé le numéro d'immatriculation de la voiture?;∎ familiar I've got your number! toi, je te vois venir!, j'ai repéré ton manège!;∎ familiar his number's up son compte est bon(c) (quantity) nombre m;∎ the number of tourists is growing le nombre de touristes va en augmentant;∎ any number can participate le nombre de participants est illimité;∎ they were eight in number ils étaient (au nombre de) huit;∎ in equal numbers en nombre égal;∎ to be equal in number être à nombre égal;∎ we were many/few in number nous étions nombreux/en petit nombre;∎ a number of people un certain nombre de gens;∎ a (certain) number of you un certain nombre d'entre vous;∎ a large number of people un grand nombre de gens, de nombreuses personnes;∎ a small number of people un petit nombre de gens, peu de gens;∎ any number of… un grand nombre de…, bon nombre de…;∎ she is one of a number of people who… elle figure parmi les personnes qui…;∎ to be present in small numbers/in (great) numbers être présents en petit nombre/en grand nombre;∎ in a good or fair number of cases dans bon nombre de cas;∎ times without number à maintes (et maintes) reprises;∎ they defeated us by force of or by sheer weight of numbers ils l'ont emporté sur nous parce qu'ils étaient plus nombreux∎ one of their/our number un des leurs/des nôtres;∎ she was not of our number elle n'était pas des nôtres ou avec nous(e) (issue → of magazine, paper) numéro m;∎ did you read last week's number? avez-vous lu le numéro de la semaine dernière?∎ a cushy number une planque(g) (song, dance, act) numéro m;∎ a dance number un numéro de danse;∎ for my next number I'd like to sing… j'aimerais vous chanter maintenant…;∎ they played some new numbers ils ont joué de nouveaux morceaux;∎ they sang some new numbers ils ont chanté de nouvelles chansons;∎ they only danced to the slow numbers ils n'ont dansé que les slows∎ this number is a hot seller ce modèle se vend comme des petits pains;∎ she was wearing a little black number elle portait une petite robe noire□ ;∎ he was driving a little Italian number il était au volant d'un de ces petits bolides italiens;∎ who's that blonde number? qui est cette belle blonde?;□∎ to do or to pull a number on sb rouler qn;(a) (assign number to) numéroter;∎ don't forget to number the pages n'oubliez pas de numéroter les pages∎ I number him among the best jazz musicians je le compte parmi les meilleurs musiciens de jazz;∎ I'm glad to number her among my closest friends je suis heureux de la compter parmi mes meilleurs amis∎ each team numbers six players chaque équipe est composée de ou compte six joueurs;∎ the crowd numbered 5,000 il y avait une foule de 5000 personnes∎ literary who can number the stars? qui peut dire combien il y a d'étoiles?;∎ now their options are numbered désormais, leur choix est assez restreint;∎ his days are numbered ses jours sont comptés∎ she numbers among the great writers of the century elle compte parmi les grands écrivains de ce siècle;∎ did he number among the ringleaders? faisait-il partie des meneurs?;∎ the crowd numbered in thousands il y avait des milliers de gens∎ there were any number of different dishes to choose from un très grand nombre de plats différents furent présentés►► Banking numbered account compte m numéroté;American numbers game loterie f clandestine;Computing number key touche f numérique;Computing number lock verrouillage m du pavé numérique;Computing number lock key touche f de verrouillage du clavier numérique;1 noun∎ familiar to look out for or to take care of number one penser d'abord à soi□ ;∎ her record got to number one son disque a été classé numéro un au hit-parade;∎ Sport the world number one le numéro un mondial;premier;∎ it's our number one priority c'est la première de nos priorités;∎ the number one oil exporter le premier exportateur de pétrole;∎ my number one choice mon tout premier choix;∎ the number one hit in the charts le numéro un au hit-parade;∎ the world's number one golfer le numéro un mondial du golf;∎ the lorry had a foreign number plate le camion était immatriculé à l'étranger;American number shop ≃ kiosque m de loterie;Number Ten (Downing Street) = résidence officielle du Premier ministre britannique;Mathematics number theory théorie f des nombres;number two (assistant) numéro m deux;se numéroter;∎ number off from the left numérotez-vous en partant de la gauche -
2 one
one [wʌn]1. adjective• one hot summer afternoon she... par un chaud après-midi d'été, elle...► one... the other• one girl was French, the other was Swiss une des filles était française, l'autre était suisse• the sea is on one side, the mountains on the other d'un côté, il y a la mer, de l'autre les montagnes► one thing ( = something that)one thing I'd like to know is where he got the money ce que j'aimerais savoir, c'est d'où lui vient l'argent• if there's one thing I can't stand it's... s'il y a une chose que je ne supporte pas, c'est...► one person ( = somebody that)one person I hate is Roy s'il y a quelqu'un que je déteste, c'est Royb. ( = a single) un seul• the one man/woman who could do it le seul/la seule qui puisse le faire• the one and only Charlie Chaplin! le seul, l'unique Charlot !c. ( = same) même2. noun• one, two, three un, deux, trois• I for one don't believe it pour ma part, je ne le crois pas━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━• any one of them n'importe lequel (or laquelle)3. pronoun━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━• would you like one? en voulez-vous un(e) ?► adjective + one━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━► one is not translated.━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━• that's a difficult one! ( = question) ça c'est difficile !━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━► The article and adjective in French are masculine or feminine, depending on the noun referred to.━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━• I'd like a big one ( = glass) j'en voudrais un grand• I'd like the big one ( = slice) je voudrais la grosse► the one + clause, phrase• the one who or that... celui qui (or celle qui)...• the one on the floor celui (or celle) qui est par terre• is this the one you wanted? c'est bien celui-ci (or celle-ci) que vous vouliez ?► one another l'un (e) l'autre4. compounds• his company is a one-man band (inf) il fait marcher l'affaire tout seul ► one-man show noun [of performer] spectacle m solo, one-man show m• it's a one-off (object) il n'y en a qu'un comme ça ; (event) ça ne va pas se reproduire ► one-on-one, one-one (US) adjective= one-to-one(US) = one-off► one-to-one, one-on-one, one-one (US) adjective [conversation] en tête-à-tête ; [training, counselling] individuel• to have a one-track mind n'avoir qu'une idée en tête ► one-upmanship (inf) noun art m de faire mieux que les autres• it's a one-way ticket to disaster (inf) c'est la catastrophe assurée ► one-woman adjective [business] individuel* * *Note: When one is used as a personal pronoun it is translated by on when it is the subject of the verb: one never knows = on ne sait jamais. When one is the object of the verb or comes after a preposition it is usually translated by vous: it can make one ill = cela peut vous rendre maladeFor more examples and all other uses, see the entry below[wʌn] 1.1) ( single) un/une2) (unique, sole) seulshe's one fine artist — US c'est une très grande artiste
3) ( same) même4) ( for emphasis)2.1) ( indefinite) un/une m/fcan you lend me one? — tu peux m'en prêter un/une?
every one of them — tous/toutes sans exception (+ v pl)
2) ( impersonal) ( as subject) on; ( as object) vousone would like to think that... — on aimerait penser que...
you're a one! — (colloq) toi alors!
I for one think that... — pour ma part je crois que...
4) ( demonstrative)the grey one — le gris/la grise
this one — celui-ci/celle-ci
which one? — lequel/laquelle?
that's the one — c'est celui-là/celle-là
5) ( in knitting)knit one, purl one — une maille à l'endroit, une maille à l'envers
6) ( in currency)one-fifty — ( in sterling) une livre cinquante; ( in dollars) un dollar cinquante
7) (colloq) ( drink)he's had one too many — il a bu un coup (colloq) de trop
8) (colloq) ( joke)have you heard the one about...? — est-ce que tu connais l'histoire de...?
9) (colloq) ( blow)to land ou sock somebody one — en coller une à quelqu'un (colloq)
10) (colloq) (question, problem)3.1) ( number) un m; ( referring to feminine) une fto throw a one — ( on dice) faire un un
2) ( person)4.her loved ones — ceux qui lui sont/étaient chers
as one adverbial phrase [rise] comme un seul homme; [shout, reply] tous ensemble5.one by one adverbial phrase [pick up, wash] un par un/une par une••to be one up on somebody — (colloq) avoir un avantage sur quelqu'un
to have a thousand ou million and one things to do — avoir un tas de choses à faire
3 ♦ one
♦ one /wʌn/A a. num. card. e a. indef.1 un, uno: one million, un milione; a hundred and one, cento uno; one pound eleven, ( un tempo) una sterlina e undici scellini; ( ora) una sterlina e undici penny; forty-one, quarantuno; one in ten, uno su dieci; one day only, soltanto un giorno; One is my lucky number, l'uno è il mio numero fortunato; I'll stay one night, mi fermo per una notte; a one-metre rise in sea level, un aumento del livello del mare di un metro; To read a foreign language is one thing; to speak it is another, leggere una lingua straniera è una cosa; parlarla, un'altra; from one end of the street to the other, da un capo all'altro della strada; Only one soldier out of a hundred is a graduate, solo un soldato su cento è laureato2 solo; unico; stesso: I have one friend here, ho un solo amico qui; We all gave one answer, demmo tutti la stessa risposta; That's the one way to do it, questo è l'unico modo di farlo; No one man could do it, nessuno potrebbe farlo da soloB n.2 un anno ( di età): His son is one, suo figlio ha un anno; a one-year-old, un bambino (o una bambina) di un anno4 (fam. ingl.) bel tipo; birbante; birbantello, birba; bricconcello: Oh, you are a one!, sei proprio un bel tipo!; va là che la sai lunga!C pron. indef.1 uno, una; un certo, una certa: One came running, uno è venuto correndo; one of these days, uno di questi giorni; un giorno o l'altro; one of the richest women in Italy, una delle donne più ricche d'Italia; I bought the house from one Mr Jones, comprai la casa da un certo (signor) Jones2 (costruzione impers.) uno; si: One has to do one's best, si deve fare del proprio meglio NOTA D'USO: - you o one?-D pron. dimostr.1 quello, quella: I don't want the black pencil; I want the red one, non voglio la matita nera; voglio quella rossa; I prefer large ones, preferisco quelli grandi2 (idiom.) this one or that one, questo o quello; Which one do you prefer?, quale ( di questi, di quelli) preferisci?; I don't want these; I'd like the ones over there, non voglio questi; vorrei quelli laggiù; His father was a doctor and he wants to be one too, suo padre era medico e anche lui vuole diventarlo; He worked like one possessed, lavorava come un ossesso● the one about, quella ( la barzelletta) di (o su): Have you heard the one about the parrot and the cat?, la sai quella del pappagallo e del gatto? □ (relig.) the One above (o the Holy One), l'Essere Supremo; Dio □ one after another, l'uno dopo l'altro □ ( sport) one all, ( calcio, ecc.) uno a uno; ( tennis) uno pari □ one and all, tutti; tutti quanti □ (enfat.) one and the same, identico; uguale; medesimo □ one another (pron. recipr.), l'un l'altro; tra di noi (o voi, loro); reciprocamente: Love one another, amatevi (l'un l'altro) NOTA D'USO: - each other o one another?- □ one-armed, monco; con un braccio solo □ (fig. fam.) one-armed bandit, macchina mangiasoldi; slot machine □ (fam. USA) one bagger = one-base hit ► sotto □ ( baseball) one-base hit, battuta che consente di raggiungere la prima base □ one by one, a uno a uno; uno per uno; uno alla volta □ (naut., tur.) one-class liner, piroscafo a classe unica □ ( ciclismo) one-day race, corsa in linea; gara in linea □ one-dimensional, (mat.) unidimensionale; (fig.) noioso, tedioso □ (mat.) one-dimensionality, unidimensionalità □ one-directional, unidirezionale □ to be one down, avere fatto un punto in meno; (fig.) essere in (posizione di) svantaggio; ( sport) essere sotto (o in svantaggio) di un gol (di un canestro, ecc.) □ one-eyed, che ha un occhio solo, guercio, monocolo; (fig.) parziale, prevenuto, miope (fig.) □ ( pallavolo) one-foot takeoff, stacco su un piede solo □ ( calcio, ecc.) one-footed player, giocatore ‘unipiede’ ( che usa solo il destro o il sinistro) □ one-hand, eseguito con una mano sola: ( pallavolo) one-hand dig, recupero con una mano sola; ( basket, ecc.) one-hand pass, passaggio con una mano; one-hand shot, tiro con una mano sola □ one-handed, che ha una mano sola, monco; eseguito con una mano sola: one-horse, tirato da un solo cavallo, a un cavallo; (fig.) antiquato, piccolo, provinciale; (fig., scherz.) male in arnese: a one-horse sleigh, una slitta trainata da un solo cavallo; a one-horse town, un piccolo paese insignificante □ a one-horse race, una corsa (un'elezione politica, ecc.) che ha già il vincitore; una gara già vinta in partenza □ (mat.) one hundred, cento; 100 □ ( atletica) the 110-metre hurdles, i centodieci a ostacoli □ ( nuoto) the 100-metre backstroke, i cento (metri) dorso □ ( atletica) the 100-metre dash, i cento metri; i cento □ ( atletica) 100-metre runner, centometrista; centista □ ( nuoto) 100-metre swimmer ( freestyle), centometrista; centista (stile libero) □ one-idea'd (o one-idead), fissato in un'idea; che ha una sola idea fissa in testa □ (fam.) one in the eye, delusione; smacco; scorno □ one in a million, (mat., stat.) uno su un milione; (fig.) (agg.) unico, eccezionale □ one-legged, che ha una gamba sola; mutilato d'una gamba; (fig.) difettoso, zoppicante □ ( USA) one-liner, battuta di spirito; spiritosaggine; freddura □ ( tennis) one love, uno a zero □ one-man, individuale, di un singolo, fatto da un solo uomo: (leg., fin.) one-man business (o company), azienda (o ditta) individuale; società autocratica (o unipersonale); one-man job, lavoro fatto da un uomo solo □ one-man band, suonatore ambulante che suona vari strumenti che porta addosso; (fig.) attività svolta per conto proprio, da solo □ one-man show, ( arte) (mostra) personale; (mus.) recital; (fig.) attività svolta per conto proprio, da solo □ (polit.) one man, one vote, ogni cittadino, un voto; il suffragio universale □ ( atletica) the one-mile run, il miglio □ a one-minute silence, un minuto di silenzio (o di raccoglimento) □ one-night stand, (teatr.) serata unica; (fam.) avventura (amorosa) di una notte sola; notte d'amore (fam.) □ one of a kind, unico □ one-off, (agg.) fatto in esemplare unico; unico, straordinario; (sost.) caso del tutto unico, risultato atipico; pezzo unico, modello esclusivo; artista (attore, giocatore, ecc.) straordinario, unico al mondo: a one-off performance, una rappresentazione (o esecuzione) straordinaria □ a one-off job, un lavoro su commissione □ (econ.) one-off production, produzione singola (o su commessa) □ (fam. USA) one-on-one, a confronto diretto, faccia a faccia, a tu per tu, a quattr'occhi □ ( sport) one-on-one defence, difesa a uomo □ one or two, uno o due; ( per estens.) pochi, pochissimi □ (demogr.) one-parent family, famiglia monoparentale □ (demogr.) one-person household, famiglia mononucleare; famiglia composta da una persona sola □ ( sport) a one-piece suit, una tuta monopezzo □ a one-piece swimsuit, un (costume da bagno) monopezzo □ (market.) one-price, a prezzo unico □ «One price» ( cartello), «Prezzi fissi» □ (fam. USA) one-shot = one-off ► sopra □ one-sided, unilaterale; (fig.) parziale; ineguale, impari: (stat.) one-sided test, test unilaterale; one-sided judgement, giudizio parziale; ( sport) one-sided match, incontro impari (o sbilanciato) □ one-sidedness, unilateralità; (fig.) parzialità; inegualità, l'essere impari □ (market.) one size ( fits all), misura unica ( di guanti di lana, ecc.) □ (tur.: di un albergo) one-star, a una stella □ (mus.) one-step, one-step ( ballo) □ one-stop, che fornisce beni e servizi correlati nello stesso luogo: one-stop shop, negozio o ufficio che fornisce tutto il necessario ( per un determinato scopo) □ (stat.) one-tailed test, test a una coda □ (mat.) one thousand, mille; 1000 □ (comput.) one-time password, password monouso □ (comput.) one-to-many, (relazione) uno a molti □ (mat., comput.) one to one, uno a uno; biunivocamente □ one-to-one, (mat., comput.) (relazione) uno a uno, biunivoca; (fig.) faccia a faccia, individuale: ( sport e fig.) one-to-one challenge, sfida faccia a faccia; (mat., comput.) one-to-one correspondence, corrispondenza biunivoca; a one-to-one interview, un'intervista faccia a faccia □ ( sport) one-two, ( boxe) uno-due, doppietta; ( calcio) uno-due, triangolazione; ( scherma) uno-due, finta e cavazione □ one-track, ( di ferrovia) a un solo binario; ( di un nastro magnetico) a una (sola) pista □ a one-track mind, una mente fissata in una sola idea: You have a one-track mind!, allora hai il chiodo fisso! □ (fam.) to be one up, avere fatto un punto in più; (fig.) essere in (posizione di) vantaggio; ( sport) essere sopra (o in vantaggio) di un gol (di un canestro, ecc.) □ (fam.) one-upmanship, arte di procurarsi (o di mantenere) un vantaggio sugli altri; il voler surclassare q. a tutti i costi □ (autom.) «One way» ( cartello), «senso unico» □ one-way, ( di strada e fig.) a senso unico; (elettr., comput.) unidirezionale; (stat.) a un'entrata, monovalente: a one-way street, una strada a senso unico; un senso unico; one-way admiration, ammirazione a senso unico; (comput.) one-way communication, comunicazione unidirezionale; (stat.) one-way classification, classificazione a un'entrata □ one-way media, ‘media’ semplici ( non interattivi) □ one-way mirror, vetro specchiato; finto specchio □ (trasp., USA) one-way ticket, biglietto di sola andata □ (comm. est.) one-way trade, scambio unidirezionale □ one-woman, ( di lavoro, ecc.) fatto da una donna sola; individuale □ to be all one, essere tutti uniti (o d'accordo) □ ( all) in one, tutt'insieme; al tempo stesso: He is chairman and treasurer in one, è al tempo stesso presidente e cassiere □ an all-in-one knife, un coltello multiuso ( cacciavite, cavaturaccioli, ecc.) □ to be at one, essere uniti: We are at one now, ora noi siamo uniti (o d'accordo) □ to become one, ( di oggetti, ecc.) essere unificati; ( di persone) essere uniti in matrimonio □ by ones and twos, a uno o due alla volta; alla spicciolata □ every one of you, ciascuno di voi □ for one, quanto a me (a te, ecc.); per esempio; per fare un caso; intanto: I, for one, don't believe it, quanto a me, non ci credo; Smith, for one, will not agree, Smith, per esempio, non sarà d'accordo □ for one thing, tanto per dirne una; tanto per cominciare; in primo luogo: For one thing, he drinks, tanto per dirne una, è un beone □ to go one better, offrire (o rischiare) un po' di più ( di un altro) □ (fig.) in the year one, molti anni fa □ no one, nessuno □ (fam.) never a one, nessuno; non uno □ I'm not ( the) one to do that, non sono tipo da farlo □ (fam.) You're a sly one!, sei un furbacchione, tu! □ They answered with one voice, risposero a una (sola) voce (o in coro) □ It is one too many for him, è un po' troppo (troppo difficile, ecc.) per lui □ It's all one to me what you do, qualunque cosa tu faccia, mi è indifferente □ (market.) Buy one, get one free, compri due, paghi uno. -
4 one
❢ When one is used as a personal pronoun it is translated by on when it is the subject of the verb: one never knows = on ne sait jamais. When one is the object of the verb or comes after a preposition it is usually translated by vous: it can make one ill = cela peut vous rendre malade.For more examples and all other uses, see the entry below.A det1 ( single) un/une ; one car une voiture ; one dog un chien ; twenty-one flowers vingt et une fleurs ; to raise one hand lever la main ; no one person can do it alone personne ne peut faire cela tout seul ;2 (unique, sole) seul ; my one and only tie ma seule et unique cravate ; her one vice/pleasure son seul vice/plaisir ; she' s the one person who can help c'est la seule personne qui puisse nous aider ; the one and only Edith Piaf l'incomparable Edith Piaf ; she's one fine artist US c'est une très grande artiste ; ⇒ hell ;3 ( same) même ; in the one direction dans la même direction ; at one and the same time en même temps ; to be one and the same thing être exactement la même chose ; they're one and the same person il s'agit de la même personne ; two offers in the one day deux offres dans la même journée ; to be of one mind être d'accord ; it's all one to me ça m'est égal ;4 ( in expressions of time) one day/evening un jour/soir ; one hot summer's day par une chaude journée d'été ; one of these days un de ces jours ;5 ( for emphasis) one Simon Richard un certain Simon Richard.B pron1 ( indefinite) un/une m/f ; can you lend me one? tu peux m'en prêter un/une? ; one of them ( person) l'un d'eux/l'une d'elles ; ( thing) l'un/l'une m/f ; she's one of my best customers c'est une de mes meilleures clientes ; one after the other l'un/l'une après l'autre ; I can't tell one from the other je ne peux pas les distinguer (l'un de l'autre) ; every one of them was broken ils étaient tous cassés sans exception ; one was grey and the other was pink l'un était gris et l'autre était rose ; two volumes in one deux tomes en un volume ; it's a two-in-one whisk and blender cela fait à la fois batteur et mixeur ; Merry Christmas one and all Joyeux Noël à tous ; she's one of us elle est des nôtres ; ⇒ any ;2 ( impersonal) ( as subject) on ; ( as object) vous ; one would like to think that on aimerait penser que ; one can't help wondering on ne peut pas s'empêcher de se demander ; if one wanted si on voulait ; it's enough to make one despair cela suffit pour vous démoraliser ;3 ( referring to a specific person) the advice of one who knows les conseils de quelqu'un qui s'y connaît ; for one who claims to be an expert pour quelqu'un qui prétend être expert ; like one possessed comme un possédé ; I'm not one for doing ce n'est pas mon genre de faire ; she's a great one for doing elle est très douée pour faire ; I'm not one for football je ne suis pas amateur de foot ; he's one for the ladies c'est un homme à femmes ; she's a clever one elle est intelligente ; you're a one ○ ! toi alors! ; I for one think that personnellement or pour ma part je crois que ; ‘who disagrees?’-‘I for one!’ ‘qui n'est pas d'accord?’-‘moi’ ; ⇒ never ;4 ( demonstrative) the grey one le gris/la grise ; the pink ones les roses ; my friend's one celui/celle de mon ami ; this one celui-ci/celle-ci ; that one celui-là/celle-là ; the one in the corner celui/celle qui est dans le coin ; which one? lequel/laquelle? ; that's the one c'est celui-là/celle-là ; he's the one who c'est lui qui ; buy the smallest one achète le/la plus petit/-e ; my new car is faster than the old one ma nouvelle voiture est plus rapide que l'ancienne ;6 ○ ( drink) he's had one too many il a bu un coup ○ de trop ; a quick one un pot ○ en vitesse ; make mine a large one sers-moi un grand verre ; ⇒ road ;7 ○ ( joke) that's a good one! elle est bien bonne celle-là! ; have you heard the one about…? est-ce que tu connais l'histoire de…? ;8 ○ ( blow) to land ou sock sb one en coller une à qn ○ ;9 ○ (question, problem) that's a tough ou tricky one c'est une colle ○ ; ask me another one pose-moi une autre question ;10 ( person one is fond of) her loved ou dear ones ceux qui lui sont chers ; to lose a loved one perdre un être cher ; the little ones les petits ;11 ( in knitting) knit one, purl one une maille à l'endroit, une maille à l'envers ; make one faire une augmentation.C n ( number) un m ; one, two, three, go! un, deux, trois, partez! ; to throw a one ( on dice) faire un un ; there are three ones in one hundred and eleven il y a trois fois le chiffre un dans cent onze ; one o'clock une heure ; to arrive in ones and twos arriver par petits groupes.E in one adv phr to down a drink in one boire un verre cul sec ○ ; you've got it in one tu as trouvé tout de suite.to be one up on sb ○ avoir un avantage sur qn ; to be at one with sb être en accord avec qn ; to go one better than sb faire mieux que qn ; to give sb one ◑ se faire qn ◑ ; to be a dictionary and grammar all in one ou all rolled into one être à la fois un dictionnaire et une grammaire ; all for one and one for all un pour tous et tous pour un ; to have a thousand ou million and one things to do avoir un tas de choses à faire. -
5 one
1. adjective1) attrib. einone or two — (fig.): (a few) ein paar
one more... — noch ein...
it's one [o'clock] — es ist eins od. ein Uhr; see also academic.ru/23561/eight">eight 1.; half 1. 1), 3. 2); quarter 1. 1)
in any one day/year — an einem Tag/in einem Jahr
at any one time — zur gleichen Zeit; (always) zu jeder Zeit
not one [little] bit — überhaupt nicht
one and the same person/thing — ein und dieselbe Person/Sache
at one and the same time — gleichzeitig; see also all 2. 1)
be one as a family/nation — eine einige Familie/Nation sein; see also with 1)
5) attrib. (a particular but undefined)at one time — einmal; einst (geh.)
one morning/night — eines Morgens/Nachts
one day soon — bald einmal
one Sunday — an einem Sonntag
6) attrib. contrasted with ‘other’/‘another’ einneither one thing nor the other — weder das eine noch das andere; see also hand 1. 24)
7)2. noungot it in one! — (coll.) [du hast es] erraten!
1) eins2) (number, symbol) Eins, die; see also eight 2. 1)3) (unit)3. pronoun1)one of... — ein... (+ Gen.)
one of them/us — etc. einer von ihnen/uns usw.
any one of them — jeder/jede/jedes von ihnen
every one of them — jeder/jede/jedes [einzelne] von ihnen
not one of them — keiner/keine/keines von ihnen
2) replacing n. implied or mentioned ein...the jacket is an old one — die Jacke ist [schon] alt
the older/younger one — der/die/das ältere/jüngere
this is the one I like — den/die/das mag ich
you are or were the one who insisted on going to Scotland — du warst der-/diejenige, der/die unbedingt nach Schottland wollte
this one — dieser/diese/dieses [da]
that one — der/die/das [da]
these ones or those ones? — (coll.) die [da] oder die [da]?
these/those blue etc. ones — diese/die blauen usw.
which one? — welcher/welche/welches?
not one — keiner/keine/keines; (emphatic) nicht einer/eine/eines
all but one — alle außer einem/einer/einem
I for one — ich für mein[en] Teil
one by one, one after another or the other — einzeln
love one another — sich od. (geh.) einander lieben
be kind to one another — nett zueinander sein
3) (contrasted with ‘other’/‘another’)[the] one... the other — der/die/das eine... der/die/das andere
4) (person or creature of specified kind)the little one — der/die/das Kleine
our dear or loved ones — unsere Lieben
5)[not] one who does or to do or for doing something — [nicht] der Typ, der etwas tut
6) (representing people in general; also coll.): (I, we) man; as indirect object einem; as direct object einenwash one's hands — sich (Dat.) die Hände waschen
7) (coll.): (drink)I'll have just a little one — ich trinke nur einen Kleinen (ugs.)
have one on me — ich geb dir einen aus
8) (coll.): (blow)give somebody one on the head/nose — jemandem eins über den Kopf/auf die Nase geben (ugs.)
* * *1. noun1) (the number or figure 1: One and one is two (1 + 1 = 2).) die Eins2) (the age of 1: Babies start to talk at one.) die Eins2. pronoun1) (a single person or thing: She's the one I like the best; I'll buy the red one.) der/die/das(jenige)2) (anyone; any person: One can see the city from here.) man3. adjective2) (aged 1: The baby will be one tomorrow.) eins3) (of the same opinion etc: We are one in our love of freedom.) einer Meinung•- one-- oneself
- one-night stand
- one-off
- one-parent family
- one-sided
- one-way
- one-year-old 4. adjective((of a person, animal or thing) that is one year old.) einjährige- all one- be one up on a person
- be one up on
- not be oneself
- one and all
- one another
- one by one
- one or two* * *[wʌn]we have two daughters and \one son wir haben zwei Töchter und einen Sohn\one hundred/thousand einhundert/-tausend\one million eine Million\one third/fifth ein Drittel/Fünftel ntthe glass tube is closed at \one end das Glasröhrchen ist an einem Ende verschlossenhe can't tell \one wine from another er schmeckt bei Weinen keinen Unterschied3. attr (single, only) einzige(r, s)her \one concern is to save her daughter ihre einzige Sorge ist, wie sie ihre Tochter retten kanndo you think the five of us will manage to squeeze into the \one car? glaubst du, wir fünf können uns in dieses eine Auto quetschen?we should paint the bedroom all \one colour wir sollten das Schlafzimmer nur in einer Farbe streichenhe's the \one person you can rely on in an emergency er ist die einzige Person, auf die man sich im Notfall verlassen kannnot \one man kein Menschto have just \one thought nur einen [einzigen] Gedanken habenthe \one and only... der/die/das einzige...ladies and gentlemen, the \one and only Muhammad Ali! meine Damen und Herren, der einzigartige Muhammad Ali!I'd like to go skiing \one Christmas ich würde gern irgendwann an Weihnachten Skifahren gehen\one afternoon next week an irgendeinem Nachmittag nächste Woche, irgendwann nächste Woche nachmittags\one day irgendwann\one evening/night irgendwann abends/nachts\one moment he says he loves me, the next moment he's asking for a divorce einmal sagt er, er liebt mich, und im nächsten Moment will er die Scheidung\one afternoon in late October an einem Nachmittag Ende Oktober\one day/evening/night eines Tages/Abends/Nachts\one night we stayed up talking till dawn an einem Abend plauderten wir einmal bis zum Morgengrauenher solicitor is \one John Wintersgill ihr Anwalt ist ein gewisser John Wintersgillhis mother is \one generous woman seine Mutter ist eine wirklich großzügige Frauthat's \one big ice cream you've got there du hast aber ein großes Eis!it was \one hell of a shock to find out I'd lost my job ( fam) es war ein Riesenschock für mich, als ich erfuhr, dass ich meinen Job verloren hatte fam8. (identical) ein(e)all types of training meet \one common standard alle Trainingsarten unterliegen den gleichen Maßstäbento be of \one mind einer Meinung sein\one and the same ein und der-/die-/dasselbethat's \one and the same thing! das ist doch ein und dasselbe!9. (age) ein Jahr\one is a difficult age mit einem Jahr sind Kinder in einem schwierigen Alterto be \one [year old] ein Jahr alt seinlittle Jimmy's \one today der kleine Jimmy wird heute ein Jahr altshe'll be \one [year old] tomorrow sie wird morgen ein Jahr alt10. (time)\one [o'clock] eins, ein Uhrit's half past \one es ist halb zweiat \one um eins11.I've got a hundred and \one things to do this morning ich muss heute Vormittag hunderttausend Dinge erledigenwhat with \one thing and another she hadn't had much sleep recently da alles [o viel] zusammenkam, hat sie in letzter Zeit nicht viel Schlaf bekommenthere is no evidence \one way or the other about the effectiveness of the drug es gibt keinerlei Beweise für die Wirksamkeit oder Unwirksamkeit des Medikamentsthe bills have to be paid \one way or another die Rechnungen müssen irgendwie bezahlt werdenII. n\one hundred and \one einhundert[und]einsthree \ones are three drei mal eins gibt [o ist] [o macht] dreithe front door bore a big brass \one auf der Eingangstür prangte eine große kupferne Eins3. (size of garment, merchandise) Größe einslittle Jackie's wearing \ones now die kleine Jackie trägt jetzt Größe eins▪ to be \one eins seinto be made \one getraut werdenIII. pron1. (single item) eine(r, s)four parcels came this morning, but only \one was for Mark heute Morgen kamen vier Pakete, aber nur eines war für Markwhich cake would you like? — the \one at the front welchen Kuchen möchten Sie? — den vorderenI'd rather eat French croissants than English \ones ich esse lieber französische Croissants als englischeI have two apples, do you want \one? ich habe zwei Äpfel, möchtest du einen?not a single \one kein Einziger/keine Einzige/kein Einziges\one at a time immer nur eine(r, s)don't gobble them up all at once — eat them \one at a time schling nicht alle auf einmal hinunter — iss sie langsam[all] in \one [alles] in einemwith this model you get a radio, CD player and cassette deck [all] in \one dieses Modell enthält Radio, CD-Player und Kassettendeck in einem\one after another [or the other] eine(r, s) nach dem/der anderen\one after another the buses drew up die Busse kamen einer nach dem anderen\one [thing] after another [or the other] eines nach dem anderen\one or another [or the other] irgendeine(r, s)not all instances fall neatly into \one or another of these categories nicht alle Vorkommnisse fallen genau unter eine dieser Kategorienthis/that \one diese(r, s)/jene(r, s)these/those \ones diese/jenewhich \one do you want? — that \one, please! welchen möchten Sie? — den dort, bitte!▪ \one of sth:Luxembourg is \one of the world's smallest countries Luxemburg ist eines der kleinsten Länder der Weltelectronics is \one of his [many] hobbies die Elektronik ist eines seiner [vielen] Hobbysour organization is just \one of many charities unsere Organisation ist nur eine von vielen wohltätigen Vereinigungen2. (single person) eine(r)two could live as cheaply as \one zwei könnten so günstig wie einer wohnenshe thought of her loved \ones sie dachte an ihre Liebento [not] be \one to do [or who does] sth (nature) [nicht] der Typ sein, der etw tut, [nicht] zu denen gehören, die etw tun; (liking) etw [nicht] gerne tunshe's always been \one to take [or who takes] initiative es war schon immer ihre Art, die Initiative zu ergreifenI've never really been \one to sit around doing nothing untätig herumzusitzen war noch nie meine Arthe's always been \one that enjoys good food ihm hat gutes Essen schon immer geschmeckthe's not \one to eat exotic food er isst nicht gerne exotische Speisenshe's [not] \one to go [or who goes] to parties sie geht [nicht] gerne auf PartysJack's always been \one for the ladies Jack hatte schon immer viel für Frauen übrigto not be [a] \one ( fam) for sth [or to not be much of a \one] ( fam) etw nicht besonders mögen, sich dat nicht viel aus etw dat machenI've never really been [much of a] \one for football ich habe mir eigentlich nie viel aus Fußball gemachtto [not] be [a] \one for doing sth ( fam) etw [nicht] gerne machenhe's a great \one for telling other people what to do er sagt anderen gerne, was sie zu tun haben\one and all ( liter) allethe news of his resignation came as a surprise to \one and all die Nachricht von seinem Rücktritt kam für alle überraschendwell done \one and all! gut gemacht, ihr alle!like \one + pp wie ein(e)...Viv was running around like \one possessed before the presentation Viv lief vor der Präsentation wie eine Besessene herum\one after another eine/einer nach der/dem anderen\one by \one nacheinander▪ \one of:she's \one of my favourite writers sie ist eine meiner Lieblingsautorento be \one of many/a few eine(r) von vielen/wenigen sein▪ the \one der-/die[jenige]Chris is the \one with curly brown hair Chris ist der mit den lockigen braunen Haaren3. (expressing alternatives, comparisons)they look very similar and it's difficult to distinguish \one from the other sie sehen sich sehr ähnlich, und es ist oft schwer sie auseinanderzuhalten\one or the other der/die/das eine oder der/die/das anderechoose \one of the pictures. you may have \one or the other, but not both such dir eins der Bilder aus. du kannst nur eines davon haben, nicht beide\one without the other der/die/das eine ohne der/die/das andere\one has an obligation to \one's friends man hat Verpflichtungen seinen Freunden gegenüber\one must admire him er ist zu bewundern\one gets the impression that... ich habe den Eindruck, dass...\one has to do \one's best wir müssen unser Bestes gebenI for \one ich für meinen TeilI for \one think we should proceed was mich betrifft, so denke ich, dass wir weitermachen solltenwhat's the capital of Zaire? — oh, that's a difficult \one wie heißt die Hauptstadt von Zaire? — das ist eine schwierige Fragethis \one's on me! diese Runde geht auf mich!she likes a cool \one after a hard day nach einem harten Tag braucht sie einen kühlen Drinkthat was a good \one! der war gut!did I tell you the \one about the blind beggar? habe ich dir den [Witz] von dem blinden Bettler schon erzählt?you are a \one! du bist mir vielleicht einer! famshe's a \one! das ist mir vielleicht eine! fam10.Greek and Hebrew are all \one to me Griechisch und Hebräisch sind Chinesisch für mich famwe have discussed the matter fully and are as \one on our decision wir haben die Angelegenheit gründlich erörtert, und unsere Entscheidung ist einstimmigthey were completely at \one with their environment sie lebten in völliger Harmonie mit ihrer Umweltso are you saying she's leaving him? — yep, got it in \one du sagst also, dass sie ihn verlässt? — ja, du hast es erfasst▶ to get [or be] \one up on sb jdn übertrumpfen▶ to be \one of a kind zur Spitze gehörenin the world of ballet she was certainly \one of a kind as a dancer in der Welt des Ballet zählte sie zweifellos zu den besten TänzerinnenI hear you've collected over 1,000 autographs! — well, I do have \one or two ich habe gehört, du hast über 1.000 Autogramme gesammelt! — na ja, ich habe schon ein paar▶ in \ones and twos (in small numbers) immer nur ein paar; (alone or in a pair) allein oder paarweise [o zu zweit]we expected a flood of applications for the job, but we're only receiving them in \ones and twos wir haben eine Flut von Bewerbungen für die Stelle erwartet, aber es gehen [täglich] nur wenige einto arrive/stand around in \ones and [or or] twos einzeln oder paarweise [o zu zweit] eintreffen/herumstehen* * *[wʌn]1. adj1) (= number) ein/eine/ein; (counting) einsthere was one person too many — da war einer zu viel
one girl was pretty, the other was ugly —
she was in one room, he was in the other — sie war im einen Zimmer, er im anderen
the baby is one ( year old) — das Kind ist ein Jahr (alt)
it is one ( o'clock) — es ist eins, es ist ein Uhr
one hundred pounds — hundert Pfund; (on cheque etc) einhundert Pfund
that's one way of doing it — so kann mans (natürlich) auch machen
2)one morning/day etc he realized... — eines Morgens/Tages etc bemerkte er...3)(= a certain)
one Mr Smith — ein gewisser Herr Smith4)5)(= same)
they all came in the one car — sie kamen alle in dem einen Auto6)(= united)
God is one — Gott ist unteilbarthey were one in wanting that — sie waren sich darin einig, dass sie das wollten
2. pron1) eine(r, s)the one who... — der(jenige), der.../die(jenige), die.../das(jenige), das...
he/that was the one — er/das wars
do you have one? — haben Sie einen/eine/ein(e)s?
the red/big etc one — der/die/das Rote/Große etc
not (a single) one of them, never one of them — nicht eine(r, s) von ihnen, kein Einziger/keine Einzige/kein Einziges
any one — irgendeine(r, s)
every one — jede(r, s)
this one — diese(r, s)
that one — der/die/das, jene(r, s) (geh)
which one? — welche(r, s)?
that's a good one (inf) — der (Witz) ist gut; ( iro, excuse etc ) (das ist ein) guter Witz
I'm not one to go out often — ich bin nicht der Typ, der oft ausgeht
I'm not usually one to go out on a week night, but today... — ich gehe sonst eigentlich nicht an Wochentagen aus, aber heute...
I am not much of a one for cakes (inf) — ich bin kein großer Freund von Kuchen (inf), Kuchen ist eigentlich nicht mein Fall (inf)
she was never one to cry — Weinen war noch nie ihre Art; (but she did) sonst weinte sie nie
he's a great one for discipline/turning up late — der ist ganz groß, wenns um Disziplin/ums Zuspätkommen geht
ooh, you are a one! (inf) — oh, Sie sind mir vielleicht eine(r)! (inf)
she is a teacher, and he/her sister wants to be one too — sie ist Lehrerin, und er möchte auch gern Lehrer werden/ihre Schwester möchte auch gern eine werden
I, for one, think otherwise — ich, zum Beispiel, denke anders
one after the other — eine(r, s) nach dem/der/dem anderen
take one or the other —
one or other of them will do it — der/die eine oder andere wird es tun
one who knows the country —
in the manner of one who... — in der Art von jemandem, der...
like one demented/possessed — wie verrückt/besessen
one must learn to keep quiet — man muss lernen, still zu sein
to hurt one's foot — sich (dat) den Fuß verletzen
to wash one's face/hair — sich (dat) das Gesicht/die Haare waschen
3. n(= written figure) Eins fto be at one (with sb) — sich (dat) (mit jdm) einig sein
Rangers were one up after the first half — Rangers hatten nach der ersten Halbzeit ein Tor Vorsprung
* * *one [wʌn]A adj1. ein, eine, ein:one apple ein Apfel;one man in ten einer von zehn;one or two ein oder zwei, ein paar;he spoke to him as one man to another er redete mit ihm von Mann zu Mann; → hundred A 1, thousand A 12. (emphatisch) ein, eine, ein, ein einziger, eine einzige, ein einziges:all were of one mind sie waren alle einer Meinung;he is one with me on this er ist mit mir darüber einer Meinung;be made one ehelich verbunden werden;for one thing zunächst einmal;no one man could do it allein könnte das niemand schaffen;his one thought sein einziger Gedanke;the one way to do it die einzige Möglichkeit(, es zu tun);my one and only hope meine einzige Hoffnung;it is all one to me es ist mir (ganz) egal;it’s one fine job es ist eine einmalig schöne Arbeit4. ein gewisser, eine gewisse, ein gewisses, ein, eine, ein:one day eines Tages (in Zukunft od Vergangenheit);one of these days irgendwann (ein)mal;one John Smith ein gewisser John SmithB s1. Eins f, eins:one is half of two eins ist die Hälfte von zwei;a Roman one eine römische Eins;one and a half ein(und)einhalb, anderthalb;I bet ten to one (that …) ich wette zehn zu eins(, dass …);at one o’clock um ein Uhr;one-ten ein Uhr zehn, zehn nach eins;in the year one anno dazumal;the all and the one die Gesamtheit und der Einzelne;one by one, one after another, one after the other einer nach dem andern;one with another eins zum anderen gerechnet;by ones and twos einzeln und zu zweien oder zweit;I for one ich zum Beispiel3. Einheit f:be at one with sb mit jemandem einer Meinung oder einig sein;be at one with nature eins mit der Natur sein;be at one with life rundherum zufrieden sein;a) alle gemeinsam,b) alles in einem4. Ein(s)er m, besonders Eindollarnote fC pron1. ein(er), eine, ein(es), jemand:as one wie ein Mann, geschlossen;on this question they were as one in dieser Frage waren sich alle einig;as one enchanted wie verzaubert;as one deprived of their senses wie von Sinnen;one of the poets einer der Dichter;one who einer, der;the one who der(jenige), der oder welcher;one so cautious jemand, der so vorsichtig ist; ein so vorsichtiger Mann;help one another einander oder sich gegenseitig helfen;have you heard the one about …? kennen Sie den (Witz) schon von …?;one for all and all for one einer für alle und alle für einen2. (Stützwort, meist unübersetzt):a sly one ein ganz Schlauer;the little ones die Kleinen (Kinder);a red pencil and a blue one ein roter Bleistift und ein blauer;the portraits are fine ones die Porträts sind gut;3. man:4. one’s sein, seine, sein:break one’s leg sich das Bein brechen;lose one’s way sich verirren5. umga) ein anständiges Ding (hervorragende Sache, besonders tüchtiger Schlag)b) Kanone f fig, Könner(in):one in the eye fig ein Denkzettel;that’s a good one! nicht schlecht!;* * *1. adjective1) attrib. einone thing I must say — ein[e]s muss ich sagen
one or two — (fig.): (a few) ein paar
one more... — noch ein...
2) attrib. (single, only) einzigin any one day/year — an einem Tag/in einem Jahr
at any one time — zur gleichen Zeit; (always) zu jeder Zeit
not one [little] bit — überhaupt nicht
3) (identical, same) einone and the same person/thing — ein und dieselbe Person/Sache
at one and the same time — gleichzeitig; see also all 2. 1)
4) pred. (united, unified)be one as a family/nation — eine einige Familie/Nation sein; see also with 1)
5) attrib. (a particular but undefined)at one time — einmal; einst (geh.)
one morning/night — eines Morgens/Nachts
one day — (on day specified) einmal; (at unspecified future date) eines Tages
6) attrib. contrasted with ‘other’/‘another’ einneither one thing nor the other — weder das eine noch das andere; see also hand 1. 24)
7)in one — (coll.): (at first attempt) auf Anhieb
2. noungot it in one! — (coll.) [du hast es] erraten!
1) eins3) (unit)3. pronoun1)one of... — ein... (+ Gen.)
one of them/us — etc. einer von ihnen/uns usw.
any one of them — jeder/jede/jedes von ihnen
every one of them — jeder/jede/jedes [einzelne] von ihnen
not one of them — keiner/keine/keines von ihnen
2) replacing n. implied or mentioned ein...the jacket is an old one — die Jacke ist [schon] alt
the older/younger one — der/die/das ältere/jüngere
this is the one I like — den/die/das mag ich
you are or were the one who insisted on going to Scotland — du warst der-/diejenige, der/die unbedingt nach Schottland wollte
this one — dieser/diese/dieses [da]
that one — der/die/das [da]
these ones or those ones? — (coll.) die [da] oder die [da]?
these/those blue etc. ones — diese/die blauen usw.
which one? — welcher/welche/welches?
not one — keiner/keine/keines; (emphatic) nicht einer/eine/eines
all but one — alle außer einem/einer/einem
I for one — ich für mein[en] Teil
one by one, one after another or the other — einzeln
love one another — sich od. (geh.) einander lieben
3) (contrasted with ‘other’/‘another’)[the] one... the other — der/die/das eine... der/die/das andere
4) (person or creature of specified kind)the little one — der/die/das Kleine
our dear or loved ones — unsere Lieben
young one — (youngster) Kind, das; (young animal) Junge, das
5)[not] one who does or to do or for doing something — [nicht] der Typ, der etwas tut
6) (representing people in general; also coll.): (I, we) man; as indirect object einem; as direct object einenwash one's hands — sich (Dat.) die Hände waschen
7) (coll.): (drink)8) (coll.): (blow)give somebody one on the head/nose — jemandem eins über den Kopf/auf die Nase geben (ugs.)
* * *(number) n.eins Zahlwortn. adj.ein adj.eins adj. pron.man pron. -
6 one
1. noun1) (the number or figure 1: One and one is two (1 + 1 = 2).) uno2) (the age of 1: Babies start to talk at one.) un año
2. pronoun1) (a single person or thing: She's the one I like the best; I'll buy the red one.)2) (anyone; any person: One can see the city from here.)
3. adjective1) (1 in number: one person; He took one book.) un2) (aged 1: The baby will be one tomorrow.) de un año3) (of the same opinion etc: We are one in our love of freedom.) unidos•- one-- oneself
- one-night stand
- one-off
- one-parent family
- one-sided
- one-way
- one-year-old
4. adjective((of a person, animal or thing) that is one year old.) de un año- all one- be one up on a person
- be one up on
- not be oneself
- one and all
- one another
- one by one
- one or two
one1 adj1. unwhy don't we go out together one day soon? ¿por qué no salimos juntos un día de estos?2. único3. mismoone2 num unoone, two, three uno, dos, tresone3 pron1. uno2.which one? ¿cuál?this one / that one éste / ése3. el quetr[wʌn]1 (stating number) un, una2 (unspecified, a certain) un, una, algún,-una3 (only, single) único,-a4 (same) mismo,-a5 (with names) un,-a tal1 (thing) uno,-a■ a red one uno,-a rojo,-a■ this one éste,-a■ that one ése,-a, aquél,-la■ which one? ¿cuál?■ the small one el pequeño, la pequeña■ the other one el otro, la otra2 (drink) una copa3 (person) el, la4 (any person, you) uno, una1 (number) uno\SMALLIDIOMATIC EXPRESSION/SMALLall in one de una (sola) piezaa one un caso■ you are a one! ¡eres un caso!a right one un,-a idiotaas one / as one man como un solo hombre, todos a la vezat one with en armonía conin one (combined, together) a la vez, todo en uno 2 (in only one attempt) de una vez, de un golpe 3 (in one mouthful) de un tragoneither one thing nor the other ni carne ni pescadoone after another / one after the other uno,-a detrás de otro,-aone and all todos,-as, todo el mundoone another el uno al otroone at a time de uno en unoone by one de uno,-a en uno,-a, uno,-a tras otro,-ato be one to... ser dado,-a a..., ser de los/las que...■ I'm not one to gossip no me gusta chismorrear, no soy de las que chismorreanone ['wʌn] adjhe only wants one apple: sólo quiere una manzanahe arrived early one morning: llegó temprano una mañanathey're all members of one team: todos son miembros del mismo equipoone and the same thing: la misma cosa4) some: alguno, alguna; un, unaI'll see you again one day: algún día te veré otra vezat one time or another: en una u otra ocasiónone n1) : uno m (número)from day one: desde el primer momentothe one (girl) on the right: la de la derechahe has the one but needs the other: tiene uno pero necesita el otroone pron1) : uno, unaone of his friends: una de sus amigasone never knows: uno nunca sabe, nunca se sabeto cut one's finger: cortarse el dedo2)one and all : todos, todo el mundo3)one another : el uno al otro, sethey loved one another: se amaban4)that one : aquél, aquella5)which one? : ¿cuál?adj.• igual adj.• solo, -a adj.• un tal adj.• uno, -a adj.• único, -a adj.art.• un art.• una art.n.• uno s.m.pron.• alguno pron.• la una (hora) pron.• uno pron.
I wʌn1)a) ( number) uno mhas anybody got five ones? — ¿alguien tiene cinco billetes de un dólar (or un peso etc)?
to be at one with somebody/something — estar* en paz or en armonía con alguien/algo; see also four I
b) ( elliptical use)it was interesting in more ways than one — fue interesante en más de un sentido/en muchos sentidos
I only want the one — sólo quiero uno/una
did you see many cows? - one or two — ¿viste muchas vacas? - alguna que otra
2) (in phrases)as one: they rose as one se pusieron de pie todos a la vez or como un solo hombre; for one por lo pronto; who's going? - well, I am for one ¿quién va? - yo, por lo pronto; in one: it's a TV and a video in one es televisión y vídeo a la vez or todo en uno; one by one — uno a uno, uno por uno
1)a) ( stating number) un, unaone button/pear — un botón/una pera
one thousand, three hundred — mil trescientos
b) (certain, particular)one boy was tall, the other short — uno de los niños era alto, el otro era bajo
2)a) ( single)the one and only Frank Sinatra — el incomparable or inimitable Frank Sinatra
my one and only coat is at the cleaners — el único abrigo que tengo or mi único abrigo está en la tintorería
b) ( same) mismo, mismawe drank out of the one glass cup — bebimos del mismo vaso/de la misma taza
3) ( unspecified) un, una4) ( with names)in the name of one John Smith/Sarah Brown — a nombre de un tal John Smith/una tal Sarah Brown
1) ( thing)this one — éste/ésta
that one — ése/ésa
which one? — ¿cuál?
the one on the right/left — el/la de la derecha/izquierda
the ones on the table — los/las que están en la mesa
the blue ones — los/las azules
I want the big one — quiero el/la grande
it's my last one — es el último/la última que me queda
he's had one too many — ha bebido de más, ha bebido más de la cuenta
have you heard the one about... ? — ¿has oído el chiste de... ?
he ate all the apples one after another o the other — se comió todas las manzanas, una detrás de otra
2) ( person)the one on the right's my cousin — el/la de la derecha es mi primo/prima
he's a sly one, that Jack Tibbs — es un zorro ese Jack Tibbs
I'm not one to gossip, but... — no me gustan los chismes pero...
one after another o the other — uno tras otro or detrás de otro
pronoun uno, unaone simply never knows — realmente nunca se sabe or uno nunca sabe
[wʌn]one another — each other, each II 2)
1. ADJ1) (=number) un/una; (before sing noun) un•
the last but one — el penúltimo/la penúltima•
one or two people — algunas personas•
that's one way of doing it — esa es una forma or una de las maneras de hacerlo2) (indefinite) un/una, ciertoone day — un día, cierto día
3) (=sole) único•
no one man could do it — ningún hombre podría hacerlo por sí solo•
the one and only difficulty — la única dificultad4) (=same) mismo•
it's all one — es lo mismoit's all one to me — me da igual, me da lo mismo
5) (=united)•
they all shouted as one — todos gritaron a una•
to become one — casarse•
to be one with sth — formar un conjunto con algo2.N (=figure) uno m•
to be at one (with sb) — estar completamente de acuerdo (con algn)to be at one with o.s. — estar en paz consigo mismo
to go one better than sb — tomar la ventaja or la delantera a algn•
she's cook and housekeeper in one — es a la vez cocinera y ama de llavesyou've got it in one! * — ¡y que lo digas! *
to be one up — (Sport etc) llevar un punto/gol etc de ventajafast I, 1., 1), quick 1., 3), road 1., 2)that puts us one up — (Sport etc) eso nos da un punto/gol etc de ventaja
3. PRON1) (indefinite) uno/unahave you got one? — ¿tienes uno?
his message is one of pessimism — su mensaje es pesimista, el suyo es un mensaje pesimista
one after the other — uno tras otro•
one and all — todos sin excepción, todo el mundo•
one by one — uno tras otro, uno a uno•
I for one am not going — yo, por mi parte, no voy•
not one — ni uno•
one of them — uno de elloshe's one of the group — es del grupo, forma parte del grupo
the one..., the other... — uno..., el otro...price of one — precio m de la unidad
2) (specific)this one — este/esta
that one — ese/esa, aquel/aquella
which one do you want? — ¿cuál quieres?
who wants these red ones? — ¿quién quiere estos colorados?
In the past the standard spelling for [este/esta], [ese/esa] and [aquel/aquella] as pronouns was with an accent ([éste/ésta],[ése/ésa] and [aquél/aquélla]). Nowadays the [Real Academia Española] advises that the accented forms are only required where there might otherwise be confusion with the adjectives ([este/esta], [ese/esa] and [aquel/aquella]).what about this little one? — ¿y este pequeñito or (esp LAm) chiquito?
3) (relative)the one who, the one that — el/la que
the ones who, the ones that — los/las que
4) (=person)•
you are a one! — ¡qué cosas dices/haces!•
our dear ones — nuestros seres queridos•
the Evil One — el demonio•
you're a fine one! * — ¡menuda pieza estás tú hecho! *•
he's one for the ladies — tiene éxito con las mujeres•
the little ones — los pequeños, los chiquillos•
never a one — ni uno siquiera•
he is not one to protest — no es de los que protestan5)• one another, they kissed one another — se besaron (el uno al otro)
do you see one another much? — ¿se ven mucho?
6) (impers) uno/una* * *
I [wʌn]1)a) ( number) uno mhas anybody got five ones? — ¿alguien tiene cinco billetes de un dólar (or un peso etc)?
to be at one with somebody/something — estar* en paz or en armonía con alguien/algo; see also four I
b) ( elliptical use)it was interesting in more ways than one — fue interesante en más de un sentido/en muchos sentidos
I only want the one — sólo quiero uno/una
did you see many cows? - one or two — ¿viste muchas vacas? - alguna que otra
2) (in phrases)as one: they rose as one se pusieron de pie todos a la vez or como un solo hombre; for one por lo pronto; who's going? - well, I am for one ¿quién va? - yo, por lo pronto; in one: it's a TV and a video in one es televisión y vídeo a la vez or todo en uno; one by one — uno a uno, uno por uno
1)a) ( stating number) un, unaone button/pear — un botón/una pera
one thousand, three hundred — mil trescientos
b) (certain, particular)one boy was tall, the other short — uno de los niños era alto, el otro era bajo
2)a) ( single)the one and only Frank Sinatra — el incomparable or inimitable Frank Sinatra
my one and only coat is at the cleaners — el único abrigo que tengo or mi único abrigo está en la tintorería
b) ( same) mismo, mismawe drank out of the one glass cup — bebimos del mismo vaso/de la misma taza
3) ( unspecified) un, una4) ( with names)in the name of one John Smith/Sarah Brown — a nombre de un tal John Smith/una tal Sarah Brown
1) ( thing)this one — éste/ésta
that one — ése/ésa
which one? — ¿cuál?
the one on the right/left — el/la de la derecha/izquierda
the ones on the table — los/las que están en la mesa
the blue ones — los/las azules
I want the big one — quiero el/la grande
it's my last one — es el último/la última que me queda
he's had one too many — ha bebido de más, ha bebido más de la cuenta
have you heard the one about... ? — ¿has oído el chiste de... ?
he ate all the apples one after another o the other — se comió todas las manzanas, una detrás de otra
2) ( person)the one on the right's my cousin — el/la de la derecha es mi primo/prima
he's a sly one, that Jack Tibbs — es un zorro ese Jack Tibbs
I'm not one to gossip, but... — no me gustan los chismes pero...
one after another o the other — uno tras otro or detrás de otro
pronoun uno, unaone simply never knows — realmente nunca se sabe or uno nunca sabe
one another — each other, each II 2)
7 one
[wʌn] 1.1) (single) un, unoone book, dog — un libro, un cane
2) (unique, sole) solo, unicohe's the one person who... — è l'unica persona che...
3) (same) stesso2.it's all one to me — per me è lo stesso o la stessa cosa
1) (indefinite) uno m., una f.one of them — (person) uno di loro; (thing) uno di essi
he's one of us — è uno di noi, è dei nostri
2) (impersonal) (as subject) uno; (as object) te, tione might think that — si o uno potrebbe credere che
I'm not one for doing — non sono uno o il tipo che fa
he's a clever one — è uno intelligente o un tipo intelligente
you're a one! — colloq. sei un bel tipo!
"who disagrees?" - "I for one!" — "chi non è d'accordo?" - "io, per esempio"
the blue one, ones quello blu, quelli blu; this one, that one questo qui, quello là; which one? quale? that's the one è quello (là); he's the one who — è (lui) quello che
6) colloq. (drink)7) colloq. (joke)have you heard the one about...? — hai sentito quella di...?
8) colloq. (blow)to land sb. one — mollarne uno a qcn
9) colloq. (question, problem)11) (in knitting)knit one, purl one — un diritto, un rovescio
12)13)in one to down a drink in one buttare giù una bevanda in un sorso solo; you've got it in one — l'hai trovato subito
14)3.one by one — [pick up, wash] uno per uno, uno a uno
to throw a one — (on dice) fare uno
••to be one up on sb. — colloq. essere in vantaggio rispetto a qcn.
••to go one better than sb. — fare meglio di qcn.
Note:When one is used impersonally as an indefinite pronoun, it is translated by si or uno when it is the subject of the verb: one never knows = non si sa mai; one would like to think that... = uno vorrebbe credere che... When one is the object of the verb or comes after a preposition, it is usually translated by te o ti: it can make one ill = ti può far ammalare. - When used as an indefinite pronoun, one is very formal; it is only used when you do not mean any one person in particular, in very general statements, stock phrases and proverbs: one must eat to live, not live to eat = si deve mangiare per vivere, non vivere per mangiare; one has to look after one's health = ci si deve preoccupare della propria salute. - As a consequence, one is very often substituted with you: you can do as you like here = qui si può fare quello che si vuole. - One and its plural form ones are used instead of a noun that has already been mentioned, and after this and that: "which of these books do you want?" "the big one, please" = "quale di questi libri vuoi?" "quello grosso, per favore"; I need some new ones = ne ho bisogno di nuovi; give me that one, not this one = dammi quello, non questo. - One and ones, however, are not used after these and those, the genitive case, and cardinal numbers: I want these = voglio questi; I won't drive my car, I'll get there in John's = non userò la mia macchina, ci andrò con quella di John; I'll take four = ne prendo quattro. - For more examples and all other uses, see the entry below., 1, 4* * *1. noun1) (the number or figure 1: One and one is two (1 + 1 = 2).) uno2) (the age of 1: Babies start to talk at one.) un anno2. pronoun1) (a single person or thing: She's the one I like the best; I'll buy the red one.)2) (anyone; any person: One can see the city from here.)3. adjective1) (1 in number: one person; He took one book.) un, una2) (aged 1: The baby will be one tomorrow.) un anno3) (of the same opinion etc: We are one in our love of freedom.) concorde•- one-- oneself
- one-night stand
- one-off
- one-parent family
- one-sided
- one-way
- one-year-old 4. adjective((of a person, animal or thing) that is one year old.) di un anno- all one- be one up on a person
- be one up on
- not be oneself
- one and all
- one another
- one by one
- one or two* * *[wʌn] 1.1) (single) un, unoone book, dog — un libro, un cane
2) (unique, sole) solo, unicohe's the one person who... — è l'unica persona che...
3) (same) stesso2.it's all one to me — per me è lo stesso o la stessa cosa
1) (indefinite) uno m., una f.one of them — (person) uno di loro; (thing) uno di essi
he's one of us — è uno di noi, è dei nostri
2) (impersonal) (as subject) uno; (as object) te, tione might think that — si o uno potrebbe credere che
I'm not one for doing — non sono uno o il tipo che fa
he's a clever one — è uno intelligente o un tipo intelligente
you're a one! — colloq. sei un bel tipo!
"who disagrees?" - "I for one!" — "chi non è d'accordo?" - "io, per esempio"
the blue one, ones quello blu, quelli blu; this one, that one questo qui, quello là; which one? quale? that's the one è quello (là); he's the one who — è (lui) quello che
6) colloq. (drink)7) colloq. (joke)have you heard the one about...? — hai sentito quella di...?
8) colloq. (blow)to land sb. one — mollarne uno a qcn
9) colloq. (question, problem)11) (in knitting)knit one, purl one — un diritto, un rovescio
12)13)in one to down a drink in one buttare giù una bevanda in un sorso solo; you've got it in one — l'hai trovato subito
14)3.one by one — [pick up, wash] uno per uno, uno a uno
to throw a one — (on dice) fare uno
••to be one up on sb. — colloq. essere in vantaggio rispetto a qcn.
••to go one better than sb. — fare meglio di qcn.
Note:When one is used impersonally as an indefinite pronoun, it is translated by si or uno when it is the subject of the verb: one never knows = non si sa mai; one would like to think that... = uno vorrebbe credere che... When one is the object of the verb or comes after a preposition, it is usually translated by te o ti: it can make one ill = ti può far ammalare. - When used as an indefinite pronoun, one is very formal; it is only used when you do not mean any one person in particular, in very general statements, stock phrases and proverbs: one must eat to live, not live to eat = si deve mangiare per vivere, non vivere per mangiare; one has to look after one's health = ci si deve preoccupare della propria salute. - As a consequence, one is very often substituted with you: you can do as you like here = qui si può fare quello che si vuole. - One and its plural form ones are used instead of a noun that has already been mentioned, and after this and that: "which of these books do you want?" "the big one, please" = "quale di questi libri vuoi?" "quello grosso, per favore"; I need some new ones = ne ho bisogno di nuovi; give me that one, not this one = dammi quello, non questo. - One and ones, however, are not used after these and those, the genitive case, and cardinal numbers: I want these = voglio questi; I won't drive my car, I'll get there in John's = non userò la mia macchina, ci andrò con quella di John; I'll take four = ne prendo quattro. - For more examples and all other uses, see the entry below., 1, 4 -
8 one
1. числ. колич.
1) один (число
1) one book ≈ одна книга one million ≈ один миллион one half ≈ половина one third ≈ одна третья one pound ten ≈ один фунт и десять пенсов One from seven leaves six. ≈ От семи отнять один будет шесть.
2) номер один, первый Chapter One ≈ Глава первая/Глава 1 ∙ one too many ≈ слишком много one or two ≈ немного, несколько
2. сущ.
1) единица (цифра '1') the row of ones ≈ ряд единиц
2) один, одиночка - one by one
3) эллипс. а) один год( о возрасте) б) час( о моменте времени) в) первый размер( одежды) г) однодолларовая купюра
4) употр. как слово-заместитель а) во избежание повторения ранее упомянутого существительного;
б) в знач. 'человек' the great ones of the earth one for smth. ∙ at one all in one be made one for one
3. прил.
1) единственный, уникальный the one person she wanted to marry ≈ единственный человек, за которого она хотела выйти замуж Syn: only
1., single
2) определенный, единственный в своем роде one fine person ≈ один хороший человек Syn: certain
1., particular
3) одинаковый, такой же They are both of one species. ≈ Оба они относятся к одному и тому же виду. I am one with you on this. ≈ В этом вопросе я с тобой заодно. Syn: same I
4) какой-то, некий, неопределенный I will see you again one day. ≈ Когда-нибудь однажды мы снова увидимся. Syn: some
4. мест.;
1) кто-то, некий, некто Some of them couldn't eat a thing. One couldn't even drink. ≈ Некоторые из них не могли ничего есть. Кто-то не мог даже пить. Syn: somebody
1., a certain
2) употр. в неопределенно-личных предложениях: Where does one go from there? ≈ Куда отсюда пойдешь? Shares can bring one quite a considerable additional income. ≈ Владение акциями может принести довольно значительный дополнительный доход. ∙ in the year one any one один (число) ;
- * and two make three один плюс два - три единица (цифра) ;
- write down two *s напишите две единицы один из;
- * of the family член семьи;
- * of the best skaters один из лучших конькобежцев раз (при счете) ;
- *, two,three,... раз, два, три... один, одиночка;
- by *s and twos по одному и по двое;
- * at a desk по одному за партой;
- goods that are sold in *s товары, продаваемые в розницу год (о возрасте) ;
- the baby is * ребенку год час;
- * o'clock час;
- he will come at * он придет в час;
- a train due at * twenty-five поезд, отправляющийся в час двадцать пять( философское) идея, сущность( эмоционально-усилительно) человек, примечательный в каком-л отношении;
- oh, you are a * telling that joke in front of the manager ну, ты даешь, так шутить в присутствии управляющего > * in a thousand один на тысячу, редкостный;
> * too many слишком много;
> to have * too many выпить лишнего, перебрать;
> he was * too many он оказался лишним;
> to be * too many for smb. превосходить кого-л в чем-л;
быть для кого-л недостижимым;
> the * about шутка, анекдот;
> have you heard the * about the traveling salesman? вы знаете анектод о коммивояжере?;
> but * предпоследний;
> the topmost stair but * предпоследняя сверху ступенька;
> all * все равно, все едино;
> as * как один, все вместе;
> at * заодно;
> to give smb. a four penny * отшлепать, отлупить кого-л;
> in the year * очень давно;
при царе Горохе;
> since the year * с незапамятных времен;
> to go * better than smb. одно очко в чью-л пользу;
> * up to smb. одно очко в чью-л пользу;
> * they are trying to get * up on each ofter они стараются обогнать друг друга;
> a right * losing the tickets again и как это тебя угораздило снова потерять билеты;
> the Holy O., O. above Бог;
> the Evil O. черт, дьявол;
> * over the eight( военное) (жаргон) пьяный, подвыпивший один - no * man can do it в одиночку это никому не под силу;
- no * reason will do ни одно соображение не может нас удовлетворить единственный;
- * only единственный, уникальный;
- there is * answer to it на это может быть только один ответ;
- this is the * thing we can feel cartain about это единственное, в чем мы можем быть уверены;
- that's the * thing I needed это единственное, что мне было нужно;
- you're the * man I can trust вы единственный человек, которому я доверяю единый;
- * and undivided единый и неделимый;
- to have * opinion иметь единое мнение;
- I am * with you я такого же мнения, что и вы;
- all face * way все там будем целый, единый, неразлучный;
- to be made * пожениться, сочетаться браком;
- he is made * with nature он близок к природе;
- we have been both * these two months эти два месяца мы были неразлучны тот же самый, этот же;
- * and the same один и тот же;
тот же самый одинаковый, неизменный;
- to remain for ever * всегда оставаться самим собой какой-то, неопределенный;
- * day last summer как-то прошлым летом;
- * fane morning в одно прекрасное утро;
- * day I shall do it когда-нибудь я это сделаю некий, некто;
- * John Smit некто Джон Смит число один;
- * page одна страница;
- * apple одно яблоко один;
(номер) первый;
- number * номер первый;
- chapter * первая глава;
- Room * комната один - *-and-twenty, *-and-thirty двадцать один, тридцать один > number * сам;
свой интерес, заботы;
самое главное, самое важное, значительное, срочное;
пописать, сходить "по-маленькому";
> to look after number * не забывать о себе, заботиться о своих интересах;
> he's always thinking of number * он всегда думает только о себе > * man no mam один в поле не воин в неопределенно-личных предложениях: - * must admit следует признать;
- * has to do *'s best нужно делать все возможное;
- * never khows what may happen никто не знает, что может случиться во избежание повторения: - laws and old *s новые законы и старые;
- I've lost my umbrella and have to buy a new * я потерял зонтик, и теперь мне приходится покупать новый;
- which kitten will you have? - The black * какого котенка вы возьмете? - Черного в сочетании с определенным артиклем или притяжательным местоимением и прилагательным;
- the little *s дети;
- the great *s of the earth великие мира сего;
- the little *s and the great *s и малые, и большие;
- my own * родной, дорогой в сочетании с any, some, every под соответствующими словами (усилительно) я, ваш покорный слуга;
- * is rather busy just now я сейчас несколько занят;
- * glad to have seen you очень рад был вас повидать (американизм) (разговорное) необычайно, невероятно;
- I tell you, she was * wonderful girl поверьте мне, она была просто замечательная девушка в грам знач указательного мест: этот, тот - the * that is lying on the table тот, который лежит на столе;
- not the * they expected не тот, которого ждали человек или предмет;
- * with a beard человек с бородой;
- he is not * to refuse он не такой человек, чтобы отказываться;
- she said it in the voice of * who repeats a lesson она произнесла это тоном человека, повторяющего урок один, этот;
- at * end of the street and at the ofter на одном конце улицы и на другом в сочетаниях: - * another друг друга;
- they hit * another они поколотили друг друга;
- to bay * another's goods покупать друг у друга;
- * with another в среднем;
(устаревшее) вместе;
- * and another несколько;
- * after another один за другим;
- * or another кто-то;
- * or other is sure to be sick in the bus в автобусе обязательно кого-то укачает;
- the * and the other оба, один и другой;
- the *..., the ofter... первый..., второй...;
- * by *, * after * один за другим, друг за другом;
по одному, поодиночке > * and all все до одного, все как один;
все без исключения;
> to thank * and all поблагодарить всех вас;
> in * в одном лице;
> he is manager and secretary in * он и управляющий, и секретарь;
> in * с одной попытки, сразу;
> done it in *! удалось с первого захода!;
> I for * что касается меня, я со своей стороны;
> I for * don't believe it я, например, не верю в это;
> * had like... она чуть не...;
> I'm not usually * to compain, but... я вообще не из тех, кто жалуется, но... all in ~ все вместе;
to be made one пожениться, повенчаться;
I for one что касается меня the great ones of the earth великие мира сего;
a one( for smth.) разг. энтузиаст( в каком-л.) деле;
at one в согласии;
заодно ~ неопределенный, какой-то;
at one time I lived in Moscow одно время (прежде) я жил в Москве;
one fine morning в одно прекрасное утро all in ~ все вместе;
to be made one пожениться, повенчаться;
I for one что касается меня ~ единый;
to cry out with one voice единодушно воскликнуть;
one and undivided единый и неделимый the great ones and the little ~s большие и малые;
my little one дитя мое (в обращении) the great ones of the earth великие мира сего;
a one (for smth.) разг. энтузиаст (в каком-л.) деле;
at one в согласии;
заодно ~ употр. как словозаместитель в знач. "человек": he is the one I mean он тот самый( человек), которого я имею в виду;
the little ones дети ~ употр. как словозаместитель во избежание повторения ранее упомянутого существительного: I am through with this book, will you let me have another one? я кончил эту книгу, не дадите ли вы мне другую? all in ~ все вместе;
to be made one пожениться, повенчаться;
I for one что касается меня ~ pron indef. некто, некий, кто-то;
I showed the ring to one Jones я показал кольцо некоему Джонсу;
one came running кто-то вбежал if ~ wants a thing done ~ had best do it himself если хочешь, чтобы дело было сделано, сделай его сам ~ must observe the rules нужно соблюдать правила;
in the year one очень давно;
= при царе Горохе ~ один, одиночка;
one by one поодиночке;
they came by ones and twos приходили по одному и по двое;
it is difficult to tell one from the other трудно отличить одного от другого the great ones and the little ~s большие и малые;
my little one дитя мое (в обращении) no ~ никто one pron indef. употр. в неопределенно-личных предложениях: one never knows what may happen никогда не знаешь, что может случиться ~ единица, число один;
write down two ones напишите две единицы ~ единственный;
there is only one way to do it есть единственный способ это сделать ~ единый;
to cry out with one voice единодушно воскликнуть;
one and undivided единый и неделимый ~ употр. как словозаместитель в знач. "человек": he is the one I mean он тот самый (человек), которого я имею в виду;
the little ones дети ~ употр. как словозаместитель во избежание повторения ранее упомянутого существительного: I am through with this book, will you let me have another one? я кончил эту книгу, не дадите ли вы мне другую? ~ pron indef. некто, некий, кто-то;
I showed the ring to one Jones я показал кольцо некоему Джонсу;
one came running кто-то вбежал ~ неопределенный, какой-то;
at one time I lived in Moscow одно время (прежде) я жил в Москве;
one fine morning в одно прекрасное утро ~ num. card. номер один, первый;
Room one комната номер один;
volume one первый том ~ один, одиночка;
one by one поодиночке;
they came by ones and twos приходили по одному и по двое;
it is difficult to tell one from the other трудно отличить одного от другого ~ num. card. один;
one hundred сто, сотня;
one in a thousand один на тысячу;
редкостный ~ одинаковый, такой же;
to remain for ever one оставаться всегда самим собой the great ones of the earth великие мира сего;
a one (for smth.) разг. энтузиаст (в каком-л.) деле;
at one в согласии;
заодно 'un: 'un разг. см. one ~ единый;
to cry out with one voice единодушно воскликнуть;
one and undivided единый и неделимый ~ один, одиночка;
one by one поодиночке;
they came by ones and twos приходили по одному и по двое;
it is difficult to tell one from the other трудно отличить одного от другого ~ pron indef. некто, некий, кто-то;
I showed the ring to one Jones я показал кольцо некоему Джонсу;
one came running кто-то вбежал ~ неопределенный, какой-то;
at one time I lived in Moscow одно время (прежде) я жил в Москве;
one fine morning в одно прекрасное утро ~ num. card. один;
one hundred сто, сотня;
one in a thousand один на тысячу;
редкостный ~ num. card. I'll meet you at ~ я встречу тебя в час;
Pete will be one in a month Питу через месяц исполнится год;
one too many слишком много;
one or two немного, несколько ~ num. card. один;
one hundred сто, сотня;
one in a thousand один на тысячу;
редкостный thousand: ~ тысяча;
one in a thousand один на тысячу, исключительный ~ must observe the rules нужно соблюдать правила;
in the year one очень давно;
= при царе Горохе one pron indef. употр. в неопределенно-личных предложениях: one never knows what may happen никогда не знаешь, что может случиться ~ num. card. I'll meet you at ~ я встречу тебя в час;
Pete will be one in a month Питу через месяц исполнится год;
one too many слишком много;
one or two немного, несколько ~ num. card. I'll meet you at ~ я встречу тебя в час;
Pete will be one in a month Питу через месяц исполнится год;
one too many слишком много;
one or two немного, несколько ~ up (down) (to smb.) одно очко (один гол и т. п.) (в чью-л. (не в чью-л.) пользу) ~ num. card. I'll meet you at ~ я встречу тебя в час;
Pete will be one in a month Питу через месяц исполнится год;
one too many слишком много;
one or two немного, несколько ~ одинаковый, такой же;
to remain for ever one оставаться всегда самим собой ~ num. card. номер один, первый;
Room one комната номер один;
volume one первый том square ~ точка отсчета ~ единственный;
there is only one way to do it есть единственный способ это сделать ~ один, одиночка;
one by one поодиночке;
they came by ones and twos приходили по одному и по двое;
it is difficult to tell one from the other трудно отличить одного от другого ~ num. card. номер один, первый;
Room one комната номер один;
volume one первый том ~ употр. как словозаместитель во избежание повторения ранее упомянутого существительного: I am through with this book, will you let me have another one? я кончил эту книгу, не дадите ли вы мне другую? ~ единица, число один;
write down two ones напишите две единицы -
9 one
1. noun1) (the number or figure 1: One and one is two (1 + 1 = 2).) en; et2) (the age of 1: Babies start to talk at one.) étårsalder2. pronoun1) (a single person or thing: She's the one I like the best; I'll buy the red one.) den2) (anyone; any person: One can see the city from here.) man3. adjective1) (1 in number: one person; He took one book.) én2) (aged 1: The baby will be one tomorrow.) ét år3) (of the same opinion etc: We are one in our love of freedom.) enige•- one-- oneself
- one-night stand
- one-off
- one-parent family
- one-sided
- one-way
- one-year-old 4. adjective((of a person, animal or thing) that is one year old.) etårig- all one- be one up on a person
- be one up on
- not be oneself
- one and all
- one another
- one by one
- one or two* * *1. noun1) (the number or figure 1: One and one is two (1 + 1 = 2).) en; et2) (the age of 1: Babies start to talk at one.) étårsalder2. pronoun1) (a single person or thing: She's the one I like the best; I'll buy the red one.) den2) (anyone; any person: One can see the city from here.) man3. adjective1) (1 in number: one person; He took one book.) én2) (aged 1: The baby will be one tomorrow.) ét år3) (of the same opinion etc: We are one in our love of freedom.) enige•- one-- oneself
- one-night stand
- one-off
- one-parent family
- one-sided
- one-way
- one-year-old 4. adjective((of a person, animal or thing) that is one year old.) etårig- all one- be one up on a person
- be one up on
- not be oneself
- one and all
- one another
- one by one
- one or two -
10 one
1. noun1) (the number or figure 1: One and one is two (1 + 1 = 2).) en, et; ett(all)2) (the age of 1: Babies start to talk at one.) ettårsalder2. pronoun1) (a single person or thing: She's the one I like the best; I'll buy the red one.) den(ne)/det(te); den/det røde osv.2) (anyone; any person: One can see the city from here.) en, man3. adjective1) (1 in number: one person; He took one book.) en2) (aged 1: The baby will be one tomorrow.) ett (år gammel)3) (of the same opinion etc: We are one in our love of freedom.) som én, av samme mening•- one-- oneself
- one-night stand
- one-off
- one-parent family
- one-sided
- one-way
- one-year-old 4. adjective((of a person, animal or thing) that is one year old.) ettårs-, ettårig- all one- be one up on a person
- be one up on
- not be oneself
- one and all
- one another
- one by one
- one or two Isubst. \/wʌn\/1) ettall2) ener3) enhetby ones en og en, en av gangenby ones and twos enkeltvis og to av gangen, en og en og to og tonever a one ( hverdagslig) ikke en eneste enyou are a one! ( hverdagslig) du er en fin en!IIdeterm. \/wʌn\/1) en, et, ett2) eneste3) den ene, det ene4) (en og) sammeat one enige, i harmoniat one with i ett medbe all one to somebody være det samme for noen, komme ut på ett for noenbecome one bli ettbe one of være en av, høre tilbe one with være ett med, høre sammen med være enig medfor one for noens vedkommende, hva noen angårfor one thing for det første, først og fremst for eksempelget something in one ( hverdagslig) greie noe ved første forsøk gjette riktig med det samme(all) in one (alt) i ett i forening, i samstemmighet til sammen i en og samme personnot one ikke en eneste enone after another eller one after the other den ene etter den andre, etter hverandreone and a half en og en halv, halvannenone and all hver eneste en, alle sammen, alle som enone and another både den ene og den andrethe one and only...! den\/det eneste ene...!, den uforlignelige!one at a time eller one at the time en og en, en av gangenone by one en og en, en av gangen den ene etter den andreone half of halvparten av, halvdelen avone or other den ene eller den andre, en eller annenone or the other en av delene, ett av to• marry her or leave her, one or the otherone or two et par (stykker), to-tre (stykker)(the) one... the other (det) ene.. det andre, en... en annen, den første... den nesteone thing and\/with another det ene med det andreone with another det ene med det andre i gjennomsnitt, stort setttell (the) one from the other skjelne det ene fra det andre, skjelne noe fra hverandreIIIpron. \/wʌn\/1) man, en2) ( refleksiv) seg3) en (viss)• one Mr. John Smith4) en, noen, noe, den• where is my umbrella? - you didn't bring one• he is not a great man, but he hopes to become onehan er ingen stor mann, men han håper på å bli det5) (etter adjektiv og som adjektiv brukt som substantiv, ofte uten tilsvarende i norsk) en, (som) sådan• take the red box, not the black oneta den røde boksen, ikke den svarte• do you want hard pears or soft ones?• pick me out a good one!• give me some good ones!han var en soldat, og en tapper sådanbe one for something å like, å være glad iget one on the jaw ( hverdagslig) få seg en på tyggaget something in one lykkes med noe på første forsøkhave one on me! ta en drink, jeg spanderer!lay about one slå om segthe little one den lillelittle ones smårollinger, små, ungermy dear ones mine kjæreone's ens, sin, sitt, sineone too many en (alkoholholdig drink) for mye• the party was good, but I had one too many, I'm afraidfesten var bra, men jeg er redd jeg drakk for myethat one den derthat was one for you! ett poeng til deg! den satt!that was one on you! der fikk du!, den var myntet på deg!which one hvilken• which ones do you like? -
11 one
1. [wʌn] n1. 1) (число) одинone and two make three - один плюс /и/ два - три
2) единица ( цифра; тж. figure of one)3) (of) один из (какого-л. числа)4) раз ( при счёте)one, two, three... - раз, два, три...
5) один, одиночкаby /in/ ones and twos - по одному и по двое
goods that are sold in ones - товары, продаваемые в розницу
6) (один) год ( о возрасте)7) часone o'clock - час ( на часах) [ср. тж. ♢ ]
he will come at one [between one and two] - он придёт в час [между часом и двумя]
a train due at one twenty-five - поезд, отправляющийся в час двадцать пять
2. филос. идея, сущность ( у Платона)3. эмоц.-усил. (a, the one) человек, примечательный в каком-л. отношении; герой; мастерoh, you are a one telling that joke in front of the manager - ну, ты даёшь, так шутить в присутствии управляющего
one in a thousand - один на тысячу, редкостныйone too many - а) слишком много; to have one too many - выпить лишнего, перебрать; б) лишний
he was one too many - он оказался лишним /был некстати/
to be one too many for smb. - превосходить кого-л. в чём-л.; быть для кого-л. недостижимым
the one about - шутка, анекдот
have you heard the one about the travelling salesman? - вы знаете /слышали/ анекдот о коммивояжёре?
all one (to smb.) - всё равно, всё едино; безразлично
as one - как один, все вместе
at one - заодно; единодушно
we are at one in thinking that... - мы едины во мнении, что...; мы оба или все думаем, что...
to give smb. a four penny one - отшлёпать, отлупить кого-л.
in the year one - очень давно; ≅ при царе Горохе
to go one better than smb. - превзойти, перещеголять кого-л.
one up [down] to smb. - одно очко [не] в чью-л. пользу
one up on - преимущество, перевес
they are trying to get one up on each other - они стараются обогнать /перещеголять/ друг друга
a right one - дурак, «дубина»
you're a right one losing the tickets again - и как это тебя угораздило снова потерять билеты
the Holy One, One above - бог
the Evil One - чёрт, дьявол
one over the eight - воен. жарг. пьяный, подвыпивший
2. [wʌn] alike one o'clock - быстро, энергично [ср. тж. 1, 7)]
1. одинno one reason will do - ни одно (отдельное) соображение не может нас удовлетворить
2. единственныйone (and) only - единственный, уникальный
this is the one thing we can feel certain about - это единственное, в чём мы можем быть уверены
that's the one thing I needed - это единственное, что мне было нужно
you're the one man I can trust - вы единственный человек, которому я доверяю
3. 1) единый; одинаковыйto have /to hold/ one opinion - иметь единое /такое же/ мнение
I am one with you /of one mind with you/ - я такого же мнения, что и вы
all face one way - ≅ все там будем
2) predic целый, единый, неразлучныйto be made one - пожениться, сочетаться браком
we have been both one these two months - эти два месяца мы были неразлучны /не разлучались друг с другом/
4. 1) тот же самый, этот жеone and the same - один и тот же; тот же самый
2) predic одинаковый, неизменный5. 1) какой-то, неопределённый2) некий, некто ( перед именами собственными)3. [wʌn] num1) число один2) (номер) один; (номер) первыйnumber one - номер первый [см. тж. ♢ ]
|| one-and-twenty, one-and-thirty, etc - двадцать один, тридцать один и т. д.♢
number one - а) сам; свой интерес, заботы и т. п.; to look after /to take care of/ number one - не забывать о себе, заботиться о своих интересах; he's always thinking of number one - он всегда думает только о себе /о своём благополучии/; б) самое главное, самое важное, значительное, срочное и т. п.; в) ≅ пописать, сходить «по-маленькому»; [см. тж. 2)]4. [wʌn] indef pronone man no man - ≅ один в поле не воин
Аone has to do one's best - нужно делать всё возможное /прилагать все усилия/
one never knows what may happen - никто не знает, что может случиться
I've lost my umbrella and have to buy a new one - я потерял зонтик, и теперь мне приходится покупать новый
which kitten will you have? - The black one - какого котёнка вы возьмёте? - Чёрного
3. 1) в сочетании с определённым артиклем или притяжательным местоимением и прилагательным:the little ones and the great ones - и малые, и большие
my own one - родной, дорогой ( в обращении)
4. усил.1) я, ваш покорный слуга2) амер. разг. необычайно, невероятно и т. п.I tell you, she was one wonderful girl - поверьте мне, она была просто замечательная девушка
Бв грам. знач. указательного мест.1. 1) этот, тот (самый)the one that /which/ is lying on the table - тот, который лежит на столе
not the one they expected - не тот (человек), которого ждали
2) (такой) человек или предметhe is not one to refuse - он не такой человек, чтобы отказываться
she said it in the voice of one who repeats a lesson - она произнесла это тоном человека, повторяющего урок
2. один, этотat one end of the street and at the other - на одном /на том/ конце улицы и на другом
Вone with another - а) в среднем; б) уст. вместе
one or other is sure to be sick in the bus - в автобусе обязательно кого-то укачает
the one and the other - оба, один и другой
the one..., the other... - первый ( из упомянутых)..., второй...
one by one, one after one - один за другим, друг за другом; по одному, поодиночке
one and all - все до одного, все как один; все без исключения
(all) in one - в одном лице; одновременно
he is manager and secretary (all) in one - он (одновременно) и управляющий, и секретарь
in one - с одной попытки, сразу
done it in one! - удалось с первого захода!
I for one - что касается меня, я со своей стороны
I for one don't believe it - я, например /скажем/, не верю в это
one had like (to)... - он(а) чуть не...
one the halves - амер. поровну, пополам
like one dead [possessed] - как мертвец [одержимый]
one who /that/ (+ to do smth.) и т. п. - из тех, кто...
I'm not usually one to complain, but... - я вообще не из тех, кто жалуется, но...
12 one
1. [wʌn] n1. 1) (число) одинone and two make three - один плюс /и/ два - три
2) единица ( цифра; тж. figure of one)3) (of) один из (какого-л. числа)4) раз ( при счёте)one, two, three... - раз, два, три...
5) один, одиночкаby /in/ ones and twos - по одному и по двое
goods that are sold in ones - товары, продаваемые в розницу
6) (один) год ( о возрасте)7) часone o'clock - час ( на часах) [ср. тж. ♢ ]
he will come at one [between one and two] - он придёт в час [между часом и двумя]
a train due at one twenty-five - поезд, отправляющийся в час двадцать пять
2. филос. идея, сущность ( у Платона)3. эмоц.-усил. (a, the one) человек, примечательный в каком-л. отношении; герой; мастерoh, you are a one telling that joke in front of the manager - ну, ты даёшь, так шутить в присутствии управляющего
one in a thousand - один на тысячу, редкостныйone too many - а) слишком много; to have one too many - выпить лишнего, перебрать; б) лишний
he was one too many - он оказался лишним /был некстати/
to be one too many for smb. - превосходить кого-л. в чём-л.; быть для кого-л. недостижимым
the one about - шутка, анекдот
have you heard the one about the travelling salesman? - вы знаете /слышали/ анекдот о коммивояжёре?
all one (to smb.) - всё равно, всё едино; безразлично
as one - как один, все вместе
at one - заодно; единодушно
we are at one in thinking that... - мы едины во мнении, что...; мы оба или все думаем, что...
to give smb. a four penny one - отшлёпать, отлупить кого-л.
in the year one - очень давно; ≅ при царе Горохе
to go one better than smb. - превзойти, перещеголять кого-л.
one up [down] to smb. - одно очко [не] в чью-л. пользу
one up on - преимущество, перевес
they are trying to get one up on each other - они стараются обогнать /перещеголять/ друг друга
a right one - дурак, «дубина»
you're a right one losing the tickets again - и как это тебя угораздило снова потерять билеты
the Holy One, One above - бог
the Evil One - чёрт, дьявол
one over the eight - воен. жарг. пьяный, подвыпивший
2. [wʌn] alike one o'clock - быстро, энергично [ср. тж. 1, 7)]
1. одинno one reason will do - ни одно (отдельное) соображение не может нас удовлетворить
2. единственныйone (and) only - единственный, уникальный
this is the one thing we can feel certain about - это единственное, в чём мы можем быть уверены
that's the one thing I needed - это единственное, что мне было нужно
you're the one man I can trust - вы единственный человек, которому я доверяю
3. 1) единый; одинаковыйto have /to hold/ one opinion - иметь единое /такое же/ мнение
I am one with you /of one mind with you/ - я такого же мнения, что и вы
all face one way - ≅ все там будем
2) predic целый, единый, неразлучныйto be made one - пожениться, сочетаться браком
we have been both one these two months - эти два месяца мы были неразлучны /не разлучались друг с другом/
4. 1) тот же самый, этот жеone and the same - один и тот же; тот же самый
2) predic одинаковый, неизменный5. 1) какой-то, неопределённый2) некий, некто ( перед именами собственными)3. [wʌn] num1) число один2) (номер) один; (номер) первыйnumber one - номер первый [см. тж. ♢ ]
|| one-and-twenty, one-and-thirty, etc - двадцать один, тридцать один и т. д.♢
number one - а) сам; свой интерес, заботы и т. п.; to look after /to take care of/ number one - не забывать о себе, заботиться о своих интересах; he's always thinking of number one - он всегда думает только о себе /о своём благополучии/; б) самое главное, самое важное, значительное, срочное и т. п.; в) ≅ пописать, сходить «по-маленькому»; [см. тж. 2)]4. [wʌn] indef pronone man no man - ≅ один в поле не воин
Аone has to do one's best - нужно делать всё возможное /прилагать все усилия/
one never knows what may happen - никто не знает, что может случиться
I've lost my umbrella and have to buy a new one - я потерял зонтик, и теперь мне приходится покупать новый
which kitten will you have? - The black one - какого котёнка вы возьмёте? - Чёрного
3. 1) в сочетании с определённым артиклем или притяжательным местоимением и прилагательным:the little ones and the great ones - и малые, и большие
my own one - родной, дорогой ( в обращении)
4. усил.1) я, ваш покорный слуга2) амер. разг. необычайно, невероятно и т. п.I tell you, she was one wonderful girl - поверьте мне, она была просто замечательная девушка
Бв грам. знач. указательного мест.1. 1) этот, тот (самый)the one that /which/ is lying on the table - тот, который лежит на столе
not the one they expected - не тот (человек), которого ждали
2) (такой) человек или предметhe is not one to refuse - он не такой человек, чтобы отказываться
she said it in the voice of one who repeats a lesson - она произнесла это тоном человека, повторяющего урок
2. один, этотat one end of the street and at the other - на одном /на том/ конце улицы и на другом
Вone with another - а) в среднем; б) уст. вместе
one or other is sure to be sick in the bus - в автобусе обязательно кого-то укачает
the one and the other - оба, один и другой
the one..., the other... - первый ( из упомянутых)..., второй...
one by one, one after one - один за другим, друг за другом; по одному, поодиночке
one and all - все до одного, все как один; все без исключения
(all) in one - в одном лице; одновременно
he is manager and secretary (all) in one - он (одновременно) и управляющий, и секретарь
in one - с одной попытки, сразу
done it in one! - удалось с первого захода!
I for one - что касается меня, я со своей стороны
I for one don't believe it - я, например /скажем/, не верю в это
one had like (to)... - он(а) чуть не...
one the halves - амер. поровну, пополам
like one dead [possessed] - как мертвец [одержимый]
one who /that/ (+ to do smth.) и т. п. - из тех, кто...
I'm not usually one to complain, but... - я вообще не из тех, кто жалуется, но...
13 one
1. noun1) (the number or figure 1: One and one is two (1 + 1 = 2).) um2) (the age of 1: Babies start to talk at one.) um ano2. pronoun1) (a single person or thing: She's the one I like the best; I'll buy the red one.) aquele2) (anyone; any person: One can see the city from here.) uma pessoa3. adjective1) (1 in number: one person; He took one book.) um2) (aged 1: The baby will be one tomorrow.) um ano3) (of the same opinion etc: We are one in our love of freedom.) unidos•- one-- oneself
- one-night stand
- one-off
- one-parent family
- one-sided
- one-way
- one-year-old 4. adjective((of a person, animal or thing) that is one year old.) com um ano de idade- all one- be one up on a person
- be one up on
- not be oneself
- one and all
- one another
- one by one
- one or two* * *[w∧n] n 1 um, uma. 2 o número um, unidade, o todo. • num 1 um, uma. 2 algum, alguma. 3 o mesmo, a mesma. 4 um certo, um tal. 5 só. 6 único. • pron 1 um, uma. 2 alguém, algum. all one o mesmo. any one, anyone qualquer um. a sly one um espertalhão. as one todos juntos, como um todo. at one de acordo. every one cada um. for one thing em primeiro lugar. I’am one for baseball gosto muito de beisebol. I for one eu por minha parte. it is all one to me para mim tanto faz. I’ve got a million and one things to do tenho mil e uma coisas para fazer. no one ninguém. of all the books this is the one I like most de todos os livros é este o que eu mais aprecio. one after another um de cada vez, um após o outro. one and all a) todos. b) todos juntos. one and only único. one and the same tudo a mesma coisa. one by one um por um. one can never tell nunca se pode dizer (saber). one for one cada um por si. one must work to live precisa-se trabalhar para viver. one of (a group) membro de (um grupo). one Oliveira um tal de Oliveira. one or two uns poucos. one with another na média geral. that one aquele, aquela. that’s a good one esta é boa (piada). the evil one o diabo. the little ones as crianças. this one este, esta. to be in one estar de acordo. to make one a) ser parte ou membro. b) unir-se em casamento. you have one up on him coll você leva vantagem sobre ele. -
14 one
I. 1. един, първи
ONE hundred сто
book/chapter ONE книга/глава първа
ONE or two people един-двама души
ONE man in a thousand един на хиляда души, много малко хора
that's ONE way of doing it това e един начин да го направиш, и така може да го направиш
2. само един, единствен
it's the ONE thing I didn't want you to do именно/точно това не исках да направиш
their ONE and only son единственият им син
no ONE man could do it никой не би могъл да го направи сам, това не е работа за сам човек
3. един, единен, еднакъв, един и същ
he and I are ONE ние с него сме единодушии
I am ONE with you на вашето мнение съм
to remain forever ONE оставам си все същият
it's all ONE (to me) разг. все едно (ми) е
4. един, някой
ONE day един/някой ден
II. 1. числото едно, единица
in the year ONE npeн. много отдавна, во време оно
2. замества вече споменато същ., означава отделен предмет, човек
which ONE do you prefer? кого/коя/кое предпочитате? they arrived in ONEs and twos точеха се по един, по двама
ONE and all всички до един
3. ам. Банкнота от един долар
to be at ONE with someone единодушии сме с някого
I fetched/landed/gave him ONE лепнах му една плесница
I for ONE колкото до мен
to be ONE up on someone имам предимство пред някого
III. 1. demomstr, indef един, някой (си), човек
this/that ONE този/онзи
any ONE of us кой да е от нас
ONE another взаимно, един друг
many a ONE много хора
his dear ONEs близките му
to ONE in his position за човек с неговото положение
ONE Mr Smith някой си господин Смит
I am not ONE to не съм човек, който би, не ми е по нрава да
I'm not much of a ONE for sweets не съм твърде по сладкишите
2. impers човек
ONE cannot help doing it човек не може да не го направи
3. в pass case си, свой
to give ONE's opinion казвам си мнението
the Evil ONE сатаната
the Holy O., the ONE above бог
ONE with another общо взето, средно. едно на друго* * *{w^n} а 1. един; първи; one hundred сто; book/chapter one книга/глава(2) {w^n} n 1. числото едно, единица; in the year one npeн. много о{3} {w^n} pron 1. demomstr, indef един, някой (си); човек; this/t* * *първи; единствен; еднакъв; единен;* * *1. any one of us кой да е от нас 2. book/chapter one книга/глава първа 3. he and i are one ние с него сме единодушии 4. his dear ones близките му 5. i am not one to не съм човек, който би, не ми е по нрава да 6. i am one with you на вашето мнение съм 7. i fetched/landed/gave him one лепнах му една плесница 8. i for one колкото до мен 9. i'm not much of a one for sweets не съм твърде по сладкишите 10. i. един, първи 11. ii. числото едно, единица 12. iii. demomstr, indef един, някой (си), човек 13. impers човек 14. in the year one npeн. много отдавна, во време оно 15. it's all one (to me) разг. все едно (ми) е 16. it's the one thing i didn't want you to do именно/точно това не исках да направиш 17. many a one много хора 18. no one man could do it никой не би могъл да го направи сам, това не е работа за сам човек 19. one and all всички до един 20. one another взаимно, един друг 21. one cannot help doing it човек не може да не го направи 22. one day един/някой ден 23. one hundred сто 24. one man in a thousand един на хиляда души, много малко хора 25. one mr smith някой си господин Смит 26. one or two people един-двама души 27. one with another общо взето, средно. едно на друго 28. that's one way of doing it това e един начин да го направиш, и така може да го направиш 29. the evil one сатаната 30. the holy o., the one above бог 31. their one and only son единственият им син 32. this/that one този/онзи 33. to be at one with someone единодушии сме с някого 34. to be one up on someone имам предимство пред някого 35. to give one's opinion казвам си мнението 36. to one in his position за човек с неговото положение 37. to remain forever one оставам си все същият 38. which one do you prefer? кого/коя/кое предпочитате? they arrived in ones and twos точеха се по един, по двама 39. ам. Банкнота от един долар 40. в pass case си, свой 41. един, единен, еднакъв, един и същ 42. един, някой 43. замества вече споменато същ., означава отделен предмет, човек 44. само един, единствен* * *one[wʌn] I. num adj 1. един; първи; \one thousand \one hundred хиляда и сто; \one man \one vote равенство в изборите; \one day you' ll be sorry един ден ще съжаляваш; for \one thing на първо място, между другото (сред другите причини); • to be ( get) \one up on s.o. имам (печеля) преднина пред някого, в по-изгодна позиция съм; to put ( get) \one over on s.o. печеля пред, изпреварвам някого, излизам напред пред някого; 2. само един, единствен; \one and only един единствен; \one girl in a million неповторимо момиче, като нея втора няма; 3. един, единен; еднакъв, един и същ; in \one voice, as \one man като един, всички едновременно; \one and the same същ, един и същ; to remain for ever \one оставам си все същия; it's all \one разг. все едно е; to become \one сливам се; to be made \one оженвам се; 4. един, някой; \one day някой (един) ден; 5. един (за разлика от друг); \one man's meat is another man's poison човек с човека не си прилича, във вкуса приятелство няма; II. n 1. числото 1 (едно), единица; number \one (номер) едно; нар. "моето Аз", самия себе си; нар. малка нужда; to look after ( take care of) number \one гледам се, тегля чергата към себе си; гледам първо собствените си интереси; in the year \one много отдавна, по време оно; 2. (замества вече споменатото съществително; означава отделен предмет или човек); he's the \one I mean него имам предвид; which \one do you prefer? кого (коя, кое) предпочитате? goods sold in \ones стоки, които се продават на парче (единично); to be at \one with s.o. единодушни сме, в съгласие съм с някого; I fetched ( landed, gave) him \one ( on the nose) фраснах му един (по носа); a quick \one една (чаша вино и под.) на бърза ръка; \one and six един шилинг и шест пенса; I for \one... колкото до мене...; \one and all всички до един; \one another взаимно, едни други; \one with another общо взето, средно, едно на друго; III. demonstr, indef pron 1. един, някой (си) (и any\one, some\one, no\one); човек; this ( that) \one този (онзи); any \one of us кой да е от нас; never a \one никой; нищо, нито един; many a \one много хора; little ( dear) \ones малките (близките); the Evil O. дяволът; the Holy O., the O. above Господ; \one Mr Smith някой си господин Смит; I am not \one to... не съм човек, който би...; не ми е по нрава да...; I'm not much of a \one for sweets не съм твърде по сладките; 2. impers pron човек; \one cannot help doing it човек не може да не го направи; 3. в poss case си, свой; to give \one's opinion давам си мнението. -
15 one
[wʌn] n\one is the smallest whole number Eins ist die kleinste ganze Zahl;the front door bore a big brass \one auf der Eingangstür war eine große Eins in Kupfer;2) (size of garment, merchandise) Größe eins;little Jackie's wearing \ones now die kleine Jackie trägt jetzt Größe eins adj1) ( not two) ein(e, er, es);we have two daughters and \one son wir haben zwei Töchter und einen Sohn;she'll be \one year old tomorrow sie wird morgen ein Jahr alt;2) ( one of a number) ein(e, er/es);a glass tube closed at \one end ein Glasröhrchen ist an einem Ende verschlossen;he can't tell \one wine from another er kennt die Weine nicht auseinander3) ( single) einzige(r, s);her \one concern is to save her daughter ihre einzige Sorge ist, ihre Tochter zu retten;not \one man kein Mensch;to have just \one thought nur einen [einzigen] Gedanken haben;all \one sth nur in einer/einem etw;I think we should paint the bedroom all \one colour ich denke, wir sollten das Schlafzimmer nur in einer Farbe streichen;the \one sth der/die/das eine etw;do you think five of us will manage to squeeze into the \one car? glaubst du, wir fünf können uns in dieses eine Auto quetschen?;there's too much data to fit onto just the \one disk das sind zu viele Daten für nur eine Diskette;the \one and only sth der/die/das einzige...;the title of his \one and only book der Titel seines einzigen Buchs;the \one and only sb der/die einzigartige...;the \one and only Muhammad Ali der einzigartige Muhammad Ali;ladies and gentlemen, the \one and only David Copperfield! meine Damen und Herren, der einzigartige David Copperfield!4) ( only)the \one sb/ sth die/die/das einzige;he's the \one person you can rely on in an emergency er ist die einzige Person, auf die man sich im Notfall verlassen kann;(this is the \one type of computer that is easy to use for people who aren't experts) das ist der einzige Computer, den Laien einfach verwenden können5) ( at an undecided time in the future) irgendein(e);I'd like to go skiing \one Christmas ich möchte irgendwann zu Weihnachten Skifahren gehen;we must have a drink together \one evening wir müssen irgendwann am Abend was trinken gehen;( at an unspecified time in the past) ein(e);\one night we stayed up talking till dawn einen Abend plauderten wir bis zum Morgengrauen;\one afternoon in late October einen Nachmittag Ende Oktober;\one day ( in the past) irgendwann;we first met each other \one day in the park wir trafen uns das erste Mal im Park;one \one a boy started teasing Grady irgendwann begann der Junge Grady zu ärgern;( in the future) irgendwann;why don't we meet for lunch \one day next week? warum treffen wir uns nicht nächste Woche irgendwann zum Mittagessen?;I'd like to go to Berlin again \one day ich möchte irgendwann wieder nach Berlin fahren;from \one minute to the next von einer Minute auf die andere;\one moment... the next [moment]... einmal... im nächsten [Moment];\one moment he says he loves me, the next moment he's asking for a divorce einmal sagt er, er liebt mich, und im nächsten Moment will er die Scheidungher solicitor is \one John Wintersgill ihr Anwalt ist ein gewisser John Wintersgill7) ( esp Am);(emph fam: noteworthy) ein(e);to be \one sb/ sth;his mother is \one generous woman meine Mutter ist eine großzügige Frau;that's \one big ice-cream you've got there du hast aber ein großes Eis;it was \one hell of a shock to find out I'd lost my job es war ein Riesenschock für mich, dass ich den Job verloren hatte;he was \one hell of a snappy dresser er war immer todschick gekleidet8) ( identical) ein(e);all types of training meet \one common standard alle Trainingsarten folgen einem gemeinsamen Standard;\one and the same ein und derselbe/dieselbe/dasselbe;the two things are \one and the same diese beiden Dinge sind ein und dasselbe;to be \one ( form a unity) vereint sein;as husband and wife we are now \one als Mann und Frau sind sie nun vereint9) ( one year old) eins, ein Jahr;little Jimmy's \one today der kleine Jimmy wird heute eins [o ein Jahr alt]; ( one o'clock) eins, ein Uhr;it's half past \one es ist halb zwei;we'll meet at \one in the pub wir treffen uns um eins im PubPHRASES:I can't stand around chatting - I've got a hundred and \one things to do this morning ich kann nicht hier herumstehen und tratschen - ich muss am Vormittag hunderttausend Dinge erledigen;\one thing and another ( fam) alles gemeinsam;what with \one thing and another she hadn't had much sleep recently da alles zusammenkam, bekam sie in letzter Zeit nicht sehr viel Schlaf;there is no evidence \one way or the other about the effectiveness of the drug es gibt keinerlei Beweise über die Wirksamkeit oder Unwirksamkeit des Medikaments;( any possible way) irgendwie;the bills have to be paid \one way or another die Rechnungen müssen irgendwie bezahlt werden;( an unstated way) irgendwie;everyone at the party was related in one way or another auf der Party waren alle irgendwie miteinander verwandt pron1) ( single item) eine(r, s);four parcels came this morning, but only \one was for Mark heute Morgen kamen vier Pakete, aber nur eines war für Mark;which cake would you like? - the \one at the front welchen Kuchen möchten Sie? - den vorderen;I'd rather eat French croissants than English \ones ich esse lieber französische Croissants als englische;do you want \one? möchtest du eine/einen/eines?;(not all instances fall neatly into \one or another of these categories) nicht alle Vorkommnisse fallen genau in eine dieser Kategorien;\one of sth eine(r, s) von etw dat + superl adj eine(r, s) der;electronics is \one of his hobbies die Elektronik ist eines seiner Hobbys;PolyGram is \one of the [world's] largest record companies PolyGram ist eine der führenden Plattenfirmen [der Welt];Luxembourg is \one of the [world's] smallest countries Luxemburg ist eines der kleinsten Länder [der Welt];Paula's had another \one of her crazy ideas Paula hatte noch eine ihrer verrückten Ideen;\one of many eine(r, s) von vielen;our organization is just \one of many charities unsere Organisation ist nur eine von vielen wohltätigen Vereinigungen;not a single \one kein einziger, keine einzige, kein einziges;this/that \one diese(r, s);which one do you want? - that \one, please! welche(n) möchten Sie? - diese(n) bitte!;these \ones were all made in Japan diese wurden alle in Japan hergestellt2) ( single person) eine(r);two could live as cheaply as \one zwei könnten so billig wie eine(r) leben;the \one der, die, das;Chris is the \one with curly brown hair Chris ist der/die mit den lockigen braunen Haaren;one's loved \ones ( one's family) jds Geliebte;my friends and loved \ones meine Freunde und meine Geliebten;to be \one to do sth jd sein, der etw tut;I've always been active and never really been \one to sit around doing nothing du warst immer sehr aktiv und bist nie wirklich untätig herumgesessen;he's never \one to say no to a curry er kann bei einem Curry nie nein sagen;Jack's always been \one for the ladies Jack stand immer auf Frauen;I've never really been \one for football ich war nie ein wirklicher Fußballfan;to not be much of a \one for sth ( fam) etw nicht besonders mögen;I'm not much of a \one for chocolate ich mag Schokolade nicht besonders;to be [a] \one for doing sth ( fam) etw gerne machen;she was never a \one for playing hockey sie spielte nie gerne Hockey;to be a great \one for doing sth ( fam) gut darin sein, etw zu tun;he's a great \one for telling other people what to do er ist gut darin, anderen Leuten zu sagen, was sie machen sollen;to be \one that...;he's always been \one that enjoys good food ihm hat gutes Essen schon immer geschmeckt;to not be \one who... nicht zu denen gehören, die...;you're not usually \one who complains about the service in a restaurant du zählst nicht zu denen, die sich über das Service in einem Restaurant beschweren;such a \one ( someone remarkable)you never saw such a \one for figures er kann wirklich gut mit Zahlen umgehen;\one and all ( liter) alle;the news of his resignation came as a surprise to \one and all die Nachricht von seinem Rücktritt kam für alle überraschend;well done \one and all! gut gemacht, ihr alle!;like \one + ppViv was running around like \one possessed before the presentation Viv lief vor der Präsentation wie besessen herum;the money was here this morning so \one of you must have taken it das Geld war diesen Morgen hier; einer von euch muss es genommen haben;\one of our daughters has just got married eine unserer Töchter hat gerade geheiratet;\one of... + superl eine(r, s) der...;Luxembourg is \one of the [world's] smallest countries Luxemburg ist eines der kleinsten Länder [der Welt];\one of many eine(r, s) von vielen3) ( used in comparisons) eine(r, s);you may have \one or the other, but not both du kannst nur eines davon haben, nicht beide;crime and freedom are inseparable - you can't have \one without the other Verbrechen und Freiheit sind untrennbar verbunden - man kann nicht eines ohne das andere bekommen\one has an obligation to \one's friends man hat Verpflichtungen seinen Freunden gegenüber;(\one must admire him for his willingness) man muss ihn für seinen Willen bewundern5) (form: I, we) ich, wir;\one gets the impression that he is ahead ich glaube, er ist vorne;\one has to do \one's best ich muss mein [o wir müssen unser] Bestes gebenwhat's the capital of Zaire? - oh, that's a difficult \one wie heißt die Hauptstadt von Zaire? - das ist eine schwierige Fragethis \one's on me! diese Runde geht auf mich!;a cool \one after a day on the water ein kühles Getränk nach einem Tag am Wasser8) (fam: joke, story) Witz m;that was a good \one! der ist gut!;the \one about sb/ sth der [Witz] von jdm/etw;did I tell you the \one about the blind beggar? habe ich dir den [Witz] von dem blinden Bettler erzählt?9) (Brit, Aus) ((dated) fam: sb who is lacking respect, rude, or amusing)to be a \one eine(r) seinPHRASES:\one of the family zur Familie gehören;\one of a kind zur Spitze gehören;in the world of ballet she was certainly \one of a kind as a dancer in der Welt des Ballet zählte sie sicher zu den besten Tänzerinnen;\one at a time ( separately) eine nach der anderen, einer/eines nach dem anderen;don't gobble them up all at once - eat them \one at a time schling nicht alle auf einmal hinunter - iss sie langsam;\one or two ( fam) ein paar;I've only had \one or two cigarettes in my whole life ich habe nur ein paar Zigaretten in meinem ganzen Leben geraucht; ( hum)I hear you've collected over 1,000 autographs! - well, I do have \one or two ich habe gehört, du hast über 1.000 Autogramme gesammelt! - na ja, ich habe ein paar;in \ones and twos in geringer Zahl;we expected a flood of applications for the job, but we're only receiving them in \ones and twos wir erwarteten eine Flut von Bewerbungen, aber wir haben nur ein paar wenige bekommen;\one after another [or the other] ( following one another in quick succession) eine nach der anderen, einer/eines nach dem anderen;\one after another the buses drew up die Busse kamen einer nach dem anderen;as \one ( form) einer Meinung;we have discussed the matter fully and are as \one on our decision wir haben die Angelegenheit gründlich erörtert und sind bei der Entscheidung einer Meinung;to be at \one with sb ( form) mit jdm einer Meinung sein;they were completely at \one with their environment sie leben mit ihrer Umwelt völlig in Harmonie;\one by \one (separately and in succession, singly) nacheinander;sb for \one jd seinerseits;I for \one am getting a little sick of writing about it ich meinerseits habe es ein wenig satt, darüber zu schreiben;in \one ( in one draught) in einem Zug;she downed her whisky in \one sie trank ihren Whisky in einem Zug;( understand correctly at once) etw kapieren ( fam)so are you saying she's leaving him? - yep, got it in \one du sagst also, dass sie ihn verlässt? - ja, du hast es kapiert;[all] in \one [alles] in einem;with this model you get a radio, CD player and cassette deck [all] in \one dieses Modell enthält Radio, CD-Player und Kassettendeck in einem;to be/get \one up on sb jdn übertrumpfen;he's always trying to get \one up on his brother er versucht immer, seinen Bruder zu übertrumpfen;to be all \one to sb Chinesisch für jdn sein ( fam)Greek and Hebrew are all \one to me Griechisch und Hebräisch sind Chinesisch für mich -
16 one
1. noun1) (the number or figure 1: One and one is two (1 + 1 = 2).) ena2) (the age of 1: Babies start to talk at one.) eno leto2. pronoun1) (a single person or thing: She's the one I like the best; I'll buy the red one.) ta, tisti2) (anyone; any person: One can see the city from here.) kdorkoli3. adjective1) (1 in number: one person; He took one book.) en2) (aged 1: The baby will be one tomorrow.) eno leto3) (of the same opinion etc: We are one in our love of freedom.) edin•- one-- oneself
- one-night stand
- one-off
- one-parent family
- one-sided
- one-way
- one-year-old 4. adjective((of a person, animal or thing) that is one year old.) enoleten- all one- be one up on a person
- be one up on
- not be oneself
- one and all
- one another
- one by one
- one or two* * *I [wʌn]adjectiveeden, ena; edin, neki, enak, istione or two — eden ali dva, parone at a time — posamič, ločenothe one way to do it — edini način, kako to storitito be one too many for s.o. — biti malo pretežko za kogato be made one — poročiti se, biti združen v zakonuto make one of — pripadati komu (čemu), biti del koga (česa);II [wʌn]pronoun1.nekdo, kdo, kdorkoli;2.eden, en (namesto zaimka ali samostalnika: the little ŋ malček, the picture is a realistic ŋ slika je realistična);3.nedoločni zaimek ( one knows ve se);razno: one who — nekdo, kithe one who — tisti, kione so clever — nekdo, ki je tako pametenthat's a good one! — dobro je!, ni slabo!figuratively one in the eye — nekaj, kar boš pomnil; polten udarec (ki ga boš pomnil), spominekto land s.o. one — pritisniti koga, udaritithe Holy One, One above — bogthe evil one — hudič, satanIII [wʌn]nounpoedinec, eden, enathe all and the one — celotnost in edinost, vsi in vsak zaseall in one — skupaj, istočasnoone by one — posamič, drug za drugimone... the other — eden... drugiyou are a one! — ti si res čudak!to be at one with s.o. — strinjati se s komto be one up on s.o. — biti za malenkost pred komnumber one — kar je odlično, prvovrstno; ego, jaz, osebna korist -
17 one
[wʌn] 1. num2. adjI asked for two coffees, not one — prosiłam o dwie kawy, nie jedną
1) ( sole) jedyny2) ( same) (ten) jeden3. pron1)she chose the black dress, though I liked the red one — wybrała tę czarną sukienkę, choć mnie podobała się ta czerwona
2)3) ( impersonal)to cut one's finger — skaleczyć się ( perf) w palec
* * *1. noun1) (the number or figure 1: One and one is two (1 + 1 = 2).) jedynka, jeden2) (the age of 1: Babies start to talk at one.) wiek jednego roku2. pronoun1) (a single person or thing: She's the one I like the best; I'll buy the red one.) ten...2) (anyone; any person: One can see the city from here.) każdy, ktokolwiek3. adjective1) (1 in number: one person; He took one book.) jeden2) (aged 1: The baby will be one tomorrow.) jednoroczny3) (of the same opinion etc: We are one in our love of freedom.) jednomyślny•- one-- oneself
- one-night stand
- one-off
- one-parent family
- one-sided
- one-way
- one-year-old 4. adjective((of a person, animal or thing) that is one year old.) jednoroczny- all one- be one up on a person
- be one up on
- not be oneself
- one and all
- one another
- one by one
- one or two -
18 one
1. noun1) (the number or figure 1: One and one is two (1 + 1 = 2).) einn2) (the age of 1: Babies start to talk at one.) eins árs2. pronoun1) (a single person or thing: She's the one I like the best; I'll buy the red one.) sá, þessi, annar, hinn2) (anyone; any person: One can see the city from here.) maður3. adjective1) (1 in number: one person; He took one book.) einn2) (aged 1: The baby will be one tomorrow.) eins árs gamall3) (of the same opinion etc: We are one in our love of freedom.) sammála, á einu máli•- one-- oneself
- one-night stand
- one-off
- one-parent family
- one-sided
- one-way
- one-year-old 4. adjective((of a person, animal or thing) that is one year old.) eins árs- all one- be one up on a person
- be one up on
- not be oneself
- one and all
- one another
- one by one
- one or two -
19 one
az ember, valaki, ember, egyetlen, egy, egyesített* * *1. noun1) (the number or figure 1: One and one is two (1 + 1 = 2).) egy2) (the age of 1: Babies start to talk at one.) egyéves (korban)2. pronoun1) (a single person or thing: She's the one I like the best; I'll buy the red one.) (főnévhelyettesítő: a pirosat)2) (anyone; any person: One can see the city from here.) az ember; bárki3. adjective1) (1 in number: one person; He took one book.) egy2) (aged 1: The baby will be one tomorrow.) egyéves3) (of the same opinion etc: We are one in our love of freedom.) egyek (vagyunk)•- one-- oneself
- one-night stand
- one-off
- one-parent family
- one-sided
- one-way
- one-year-old 4. adjective((of a person, animal or thing) that is one year old.) egyéves- all one- be one up on a person
- be one up on
- not be oneself
- one and all
- one another
- one by one
- one or two -
20 one
adj. tek, aynı————————n. bir tane, biri, birisi, kimse, tek* * *bir* * *1. noun1) (the number or figure 1: One and one is two (1 + 1 = 2).) bir (sayısı)2) (the age of 1: Babies start to talk at one.) yaş 12. pronoun1) (a single person or thing: She's the one I like the best; I'll buy the red one.) bir kişi/şey2) (anyone; any person: One can see the city from here.) insan, kişi3. adjective1) (1 in number: one person; He took one book.) bir, 12) (aged 1: The baby will be one tomorrow.) (yaş) 13) (of the same opinion etc: We are one in our love of freedom.) aynı görüşte/fikirde•- one-- oneself
- one-night stand
- one-off
- one-parent family
- one-sided
- one-way
- one-year-old 4. adjective((of a person, animal or thing) that is one year old.) bir yaşında...- all one- be one up on a person
- be one up on
- not be oneself
- one and all
- one another
- one by one
- one or two
См. также в других словарях:
The Best Damn Thing — Infobox Album | Name = The Best Damn Thing Type = studio Artist = Avril Lavigne | Released = Start date|2007|4|17 (see release dates below) Recorded = 2006 Genre = Punk pop, pop rock, Power pop, Modern Rock Length = 40:37 Label = RCA Producer =… … Wikipedia
number one — number one1 n 1.) [U] the best, most important, or most successful person or thing in a group ▪ Until his marriage, his job was number one in his life. ▪ Shearson is number one in the market this year. 2.) [U and C] the musical record that is the … Dictionary of contemporary English
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Number One (R. Kelly song) — Number One Single by R. Kelly featuring Keri Hilson from the album Untitled … Wikipedia
number one — number one1 noun singular 1. ) the person or thing that is first in order or importance: The team is number one in the regional game. 2. ) in popular music, the record that has sold the most copies in a particular week 3. ) MAINLY SPOKEN used for … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
number one — UK US noun [U] ► INFORMAL the person or thing that is the best or has the most important position in an organization, group, market, etc.: »They ran an aggressive advertising campaign as part of their plan to become number one in the UK market.… … Financial and business terms
List of number-one singles in Australia during the 1990s — The following lists the number one singles on the Australian Singles Chart, along with other substantial hits, during the 1990s. The source for this decade is the ARIA Charts. 1990# The B 52 s Love Shack #:January 6 for 6 weeks and 2 weeks in… … Wikipedia
List of number-one albums in Australia during the 1990s — The following lists the number one albums on the Australian Album Charts, during the 1990s. The source for this decade is the ARIA Charts.1990# Jive Bunny and the Mastermixers The Album #:January 14 for 1 weeks and 3 weeks in 1989 # The B 52 s… … Wikipedia
List of number-one singles in Australia during the 1980s — The following lists the number one singles on the Australian Singles Chart, along with other substantial hits, during the 1980s. The source for this decade is the Kent Music Report, and the ARIA Charts. 1980s Australian chartsTwo sets of charts… … Wikipedia